our mission
Operation Blessing and our partners are dedicated to demonstrating God’s love by alleviating human need and suffering in the United States and around the world.
what we do
Hunger Relief
In the United States, and around the world, YOU are helping fill hungry bellies and fight hunger-related health problems through compassionate hunger relief programs in homes, schools, churches, and entire communities!
Clean Water
Water is essential to life and with Operation Blessing YOU are bringing clean water to the poor and suffering through thoughtful and innovative clean water solutions that have the power to shape a brighter future.
Disaster Relief
From floods and hurricanes here in the U.S., to earthquakes and humanitarian crises around the world, your partnership helps Operation Blessing to be first on the ground with relief and long-term recovery for those facing devastation and loss.
Medical Care
Through medical and dental brigades, community health volunteer training, ultrasound and women’s health programs, and life-changing surgeries, you are helping to heal our world’s sick and hurting with kindness and care.
our stories
A Community United: Girl Scouts and Operation Blessing Pack Hope for Wildfire Victims
When disaster strikes, it does more than destroy homes—it shakes the very foundation of communities, leaving families struggling to not only rebuild their homes but connections.
A Harvest of Hope for Widows in Nigeria
NIGERIA – Imagine losing your spouse and being left alone, with few resources, to provide for your family. That was the harsh reality for Rose and 32 other women in Uke, Nigeria. But thanks to your compassionate support, a life-changing opportunity was waiting to replace their uncertainty and fear with confident hope. A true harvest Read More…
The Miracle of Healed Hearts
CHINA – A hole in the heart—those simple words carry the weight of a terrifying diagnosis for many children around the world. For Mingruis, a young boy from China, this condition was a death sentence. But through the grace of modern medicine, and the generosity of Operation Blessing donors like you, Mingruis’ heart was healed Read More…
Blessings Overflow Because YOU Care!
Faith from Nigeria “We used to set out to fetch water as early as 6 a.m. and not get home until 10 a.m. … We suffered from typhoid, malaria, and body itching. We are very happy with the new project because we have clean water close to the house now. I appreciate Operation Blessing for Read More…

A mission you can believe in. A charity you can trust.