Love in Physical Form

WORLDWIDE – Sometimes love takes on a physical form. Whether through a nurse’s tender touch, a doctor’s lifesaving intervention, a volunteer’s nurturing care, or a bottle of vital medicine, you show your love to the world’s most vulnerable every single day. By partnering with Operation Blessing, you make sure that our many medical programs keep blessing those in need. When they need it most. Thank you!

Wilson received a life-changing surgery for his cleft lip.

Life-Changing Surgeries
Through cleft lip repairs that heal smiles, surgeries to restore eye sight, heart operations that save lives, and more, you are literally changing futures around the globe through life-changing surgeries.

Medical and Dental Brigades
In areas where health care isn’t readily available or affordable, you provide physical care through medical and dental brigades. These bring hope and healing to entire communities, enabling them to pursue a brighter and healthier future.

Community Health Workers
Your support allows Operation Blessing to train volunteer Community Health Workers to serve as front line health promoters in remote villages where medical care is hard to reach, bringing vital care and information to those in need.

Medicine and Supplies
When large corporations donate a wealth of medicines, medical supplies, and more, you help us collect, transport, and distribute these gifts. In this way we make the most of your generous support.

Disease Prevention
Often the best treatment is prevention. You provide classes in hygiene, health, dental care and nutrition, as well as health screenings for illnesses like cervical cancer and mosquito prevention supplies.

Finding Joy in the Storm of the Dayton Tornado

OHIO, USA – When you have a 10-year-old daughter as joyful as Shiloh, it’s hard to feel down. Even if less than one week ago you narrowly escaped a devastating EF-4 tornado, only to be left with downed trees and mounds of debris strewn across your yard. Debris so thick you can hardly take a step without stumbling.

None of these things broke the spirit of Nicole, a 45-year-old single mom in Dayton, Ohio. The only thing that brought her to tears was when she talked about her daughter, Shiloh, and how much she loved her.

A Scary Night as Tornado Strikes

The night of the storm, rain fell hard and hail banged against the windows. Nicole was upstairs with Shiloh and her son, Jimmy. Their TV was turned off, and she didn’t hear any alerts come across her phone. But things sounded pretty bad and she started to grow concerned.

Nicole's home is damaged after the storm.

She got up to look out the window, and as soon as she did she was startled by a loud cracking noise. She had no clue what it was, but she knew it was bad. They hurried down to the basement together. Once they got down there the storm hit full force. “You could hear the transformers popping,” Nicole recalled. “It almost sounded like gunshots: pop, pop, pop, pop, pop.”

“We didn’t know how bad it was until we walked outside after it was over,” she said. Trees lined her lawn, many snapped in half and strewn in pieces across the ground. A massive blue spruce in the back yard was uprooted and laying on its side. Limbs from her neighbor’s trees had fallen all across her yard as well. The family couldn’t even get off their street because a huge tree blocked the entire road. It was a dead-end street, and that was the only way out.

Joy Comes in the Difficult Time

Nicole stands in her storm damaged yard as Operation Blessing volunteers provide tornado relief.

But, thanks to your support, Operation Blessing rushed in to help the community of Dayton with disaster aid. As our volunteers walked up to Nicole’s house you could see the relief wash over her face. Someone had come to her rescue. We prayed with her, encouraged her, and then got right to work. We took a chainsaw to those heavy limbs and hauled off the debris. By the time our volunteers finished, a giant wall of branches piled high on the edge of her front yard ready for pick up.

While we worked, Nicole told us her 72-year-old mother, who lives by herself, resides right down the street. Her house was also devastated by the storm. Our volunteers knew just what to do! They asked Nicole to get her mother so they could pray with her and find out how they can help. Nicole’s mother, Anita, will now have Operation Blessing come in to assist her as well!

Nicole and daughter with volunteer team.

“It made me tingle inside,” Nicole said, “because you’re just a group of people here to help. I’ve felt nothing but joy all day. This is the most normal I’ve felt in over a week. I’m so thankful.”

Thank you for your prayers and your support for Dayton, Ohio. Without you, moms like Nicole wouldn’t get the help they so desperately need.

Reaching Out to Virginia Beach Shooting Victims

VIRGINIA, USA – On Friday, May 31, 2019, in one of the deadliest workplace shootings in U.S. history, twelve members of the Virginia Beach community were shot and killed while at work in the Virginia Beach Municipal Center. Four others survived the Virginia Beach Shooting, and have been hospitalized.

Virginia Beach municipal center, site of Virginia Beach shooting

The generally safe, friendly and tight-knit resort community of Virginia Beach is reeling in the aftermath. Mayor Bobby Dyer called this “The most devastating day in history” for Virginia Beach.

When tragedy strikes, it is so important to come alongside those in pain, and let them know they are not alone. Operation Blessing regularly helps in times of disaster and crisis here in the U.S. and around the world.

Memorial crosses at the Virginia Beach municipal center after Virginia Beach shooting.

In response to the shooting, we raised money to directly help these victims in Virginia Beach. These donations will provide practical help, but perhaps even more importantly, they will let these precious people know that others love them and care deeply about this tragedy.

Thank you for giving generously. Please continue to pray for those who have lost a loved one, and the Virginia Beach community.

From the War Zone of the Dayton Tornado

From Operation Blessing’s U.S. Disaster Relief National Media Liaison, Justin Jenkins, in Ohio

“It looks like someone dropped a bomb in our city.”

As we slowly approached Troy Street, the flashing lights of police cars were shining off the vehicles in front of us. We drove past houses where the roofs were ripped off and debris was strewn across the road. Then we came to a stop in front of something that let me know we were exactly where we were supposed to be. There was a sign – a piece of mangled tin ripped off someone’s roof, cast among a pile of shattered tree branches – with these words scrawled across the surface in purple and blue marker, “Pray For Us All!”

Today, that is exactly what Operation Blessing is here to do. We are here to assess the situation and figure out how we can best meet people’s needs. We are here to meet with local pastors and local emergency management officials. We are here to learn how we can best partner with the local community and bring in resources to help these families in their most desperate times of need. Later, we will bring in supplies to meet physical needs. But today, we are here to meet families devastated by this disaster, pray for them, and show them the love of Christ.

Thank you for praying for these communities and our team as we prepare to deploy volunteers to the hard hit areas.
Please consider sending a special gift to bless disaster victims today. And check out all the latest info on this war zone and the Dayton Tornado relief efforts.

Medicine For Ailing Venezuelan Refugees

CUCUTA, COLOMBIA – The humanitarian crisis in South America continues as thousands of Venezuelan refugees pour into Colombia. Many emigrants are making stops along the way because of the long journey. The Colombian slum of El Talento, located just across the Colombian border, is full of hungry, tired, and dehydrated Venezuelan travelers. Thanks to generous partners like you, Operation Blessing is bringing medical brigades to these refugees, including treatment from our staff of doctors and free medicine. To learn more about how you can help these crisis victims, visit

Sending Help to Dayton Tornado Victims

OHIO, USA – Following a string of deadly tornadoes, thanks to our faithful supporters, Operation Blessing has quickly deployed to the devastated area of Dayton, Ohio.

During one of the worst months on record for tornadoes in the U.S., Monday evening, a dense pack of destructive twisters swept through Ohio and Indiana, sadly leaving at least one victim dead. One of the hardest hit areas was Dayton, Ohio, where a powerful EF-4 tornado tore away roofs, flattened homes and businesses, and left the area looking like a war zone.

Damage from tornado in Dayton, Ohio.

Operation Blessing sprang immediately into action, sending a preliminary team to assess the damage. Today we’ll be deploying our Mobile Command Center and a disaster relief trailer filled with tools and equipment to the Dayton area.

In the meantime, our assessment team is meeting with local officials as well as community and church leaders to see how we can best serve tornado victims and to choose our base of operations.

An Operation Blessing truck deploying to Dayton, Ohio.

Whenever disaster strikes, like the Dayton Tornado, you send light into the darkest places and hope to those in desperate need. Be sure to check back on how our Operation Blessing friends like you are making a difference with Dayton tornado relief.

On the Front Lines Helping Venezuelan Refugees

COLOMBIAN BORDER – Flies buzzed all around. The smell of feces lingered in the humid air of the decrepit, open-air shelter where Venezuelan families stopped to recover from the strenuous three-to-five-day walking journey.

Forced by the socioeconomic collapse and humanitarian crisis in their country, these Venezuelan refugees had crossed into Cúcuta, Colombia, and had walked up the perilous Colombian mountainside—malnourished, dehydrated, and in need of basic medical aid.

Helping Venezuelan Refugees In Need

This is the heart-wrenching reality for thousands of Venezuelan refugees, but on this day, the staggering need brazenly stared us down at the resting place in Bochalema. A foul, murky river was the huddle spot for the bedraggled migrants to soak their feet, and, shockingly, to fill up their water bottles.

Children were drinking from this polluted river, and the majority were suffering from diarrhea and stomach infections.

Clean Water for Refugees

A few minutes later, kids were drinking from the water filtration system, which pumped the polluted river water and converted it to clean, potable water.

On this day,  Venezuelan children saw the love of God in a real, tangible way. Our words were not empty; they were life-giving and provided a vital resource for their survival.

This was possible thanks to the generous support of Operation Blessing partners who, like you, have joined our mission to demonstrate God’s love by alleviating human need and suffering around the world.

Yet the need is ever-growing. As thousands of Venezuelan refugees travel for hundreds of miles to cities in Colombia and neighboring countries, clean drinking water is paramount. We need your support to continue helping Venezuelan refugees. This includes mobilizing and setting up more water filtration systems along the route.

Roberto Torres was on the ground in Colombia, helping Operation Blessing respond to the needs of Venezuelan refugees.

Operation Blessing Responds To Ohio Tornado

DAYTON, UNITED STATES – Operation Blessing is sending an assessment team to Ohio to meet with local emergency management teams and churches to see how we can best respond after a deadly tornado ripped through the area. Please, keep the families of Dayton, Ohio, and surrounding areas in your prayers as they start to rebuild their lives in the coming days. To learn how you can help disaster victims, visit

Disaster Relief Kits with The Home Depot

USA – Special Report from Anthony Lloyd, Senior Director of Operation Blessing’s U.S. Disaster Relief

Operation Blessing joined The Home Depot at our Ocala, Florida Warehouse with one goal – assemble 3,000 disaster relief kits in record time. As the Home Depot associates began pouring in the front door, you could feel the anticipation build. This was going to be a day to remember.

Excited Home Depot Volunteers

The cheerful mood continued to grow to a crescendo during the famous Home Depot cheer! Annette, The Home Depot’s spokesperson, shouted, “Gimmie an H.” The associates rallied with a booming, “H.” “Gimmie an O.” The associates answered, “O.” Then Annette tossed colorful pieces of laminated paper in the air while the team thundered each letter, spelling Home Depot. With a final shout Annette asked, “What does that spell?” “Home Depot!” The crowd erupted with applause.

Next was morning orientation, where Shannan Hurley prepped the crowd for the day’s events. During that time, Operation Blessing’s Tom Wiley shared a story about his personal experience where these kits blessed families devastated by Hurricanes Florence and Michael. Then Ken Dixon, District Manager for The Home Depot, thanked the volunteers for their help. He also shared his own story about the importance of helping families in times of disaster.

Volunteer Work Makes a Difference

As the volunteers hurried to their stations, ready to assemble their kits, I was left with these thoughts. This work is important, it matters. Even though we’re about to have a lot of fun, the impact these kits will have on families is powerful.

With music playing on the loud speakers and shouts of joy ringing in the air, 104 associates from 10 different stores in the north/central Florida area began their mission. Two teams, one goal – assemble 1,500 buckets first.

There was such excitement as the associates began filling those Home Depot buckets with disaster relief supplies you had to shout to be heard. Cleaning supplies, trash bags, gloves – that’s what went in these buckets: items helpful for hurricane relief and flood relief. But what went on top was a message of hope, and love. Associates wrote messages on these bucket tops to remind devastated families there are people who care.

Volunteers racing to pack supplies.

As buckets went whizzing by, associates hammered lids and shrink-wrapped pallet upon pallet of disaster relief kits. You could look across the sea of hard-working volunteers and see high fives and hugs amidst all the work getting done. This was a place of joy.

Thank You to Our Partner The Home Depot

Even though Sheila Griffin’s Team 1 came out on top, the spirit of camaraderie was in the air! After Team 1 finished, they graciously helped Kevin Walker’s Team 2 get their kits assembled. With loud horns blaring and shouts in the air, they got all the buckets finished in only 1 hour and 5 minutes! We were delighted by how quickly these teams got this work done. And so were they – because next came lunchtime.

High fives between Operation Blessing and Home Depot volunteers

Thank you so much to The Home Depot and everyone who makes these events possible. And thank you to you for supporting Operation Blessing and making it possible for us to serve disaster victims in times of need! To help even more people, visit our disaster relief fund or sign up as a disaster relief volunteer. And enjoy more pictures from Team Depot Day here.

Water Wells Around the World

WORLDWIDE – Nothing is as essential as water. All of human life revolves around it. But for those living in poor and remote regions of the world, finding water can be a constant battle. That’s why few things have more power to transform a village, community, or region than access to clean water.

As a generous Operation Blessing supporter, you’re transforming lives with clean water. Around the world, you ensure that OB’s powerful and innovative water solutions are reaching those in need.

Chaparathipalem Village, India:

Before, the only sources of water in this remote Indian village were an open well and a small, muddy stream where cattle drank. Villagers had to carry water long distances, and there often wasn’t enough to go around. Then, thanks to the support of our faithful friends, Operation Blessing dug a new well right in the village.

Now all 150 people living there have access to all the clean, safe water that they need!

Kanhchum Village, Cambodia:

The 15 families of Kanhchum depended on a pond for their water. But the water wasn’t clean. Garbage and chemicals from the rice fields contaminated the pond, causing many villagers to suffer with water related illnesses.

But that all changed when OB partners like you provided a new well in the village. Now, everyone has access to clean water and the sickness is gone!

Ban Chaem Luang, Thailand:

With their own well running dry, villagers had to hike over a mile to a small creek to retrieve water. There simply wasn’t enough water to go around. Then generous Operation Blessing partners intervened and a new well was dug in the village.

Now there is plenty of clear, safe water for everyone!

These are just a few of the villages that compassionate Operation Blessing supporters like you have changed forever with the gift of clean water from new water wells. Thank you for your continued kindness and ongoing support!