Ocracoke Recovery Efforts Still Going Strong

NORTH CAROLINA, USA – Grace and her husband Henry anxiously watched as Hurricane Dorian turned towards Ocracoke Island. This 69-year-old woman remembers the terror of riding out Hurricane Matthew. She had no intention of reliving that experience.

In Desperate Need of Disaster Relief

As she and Henry headed for her dad’s house in Connecticut, they prayed for their island. Grace and Henry kept waking up the night the storm barreled through Ocracoke. Even though safe in Connecticut, they were terrified about what might be happening back home.

Grace’s sister had remained on that island. With a house 10 feet in the air, she felt secure. So the moment the flood waters began raging, Grace knew about it. She thought it would be bad, but not even her sister’s accounts prepared her for the reality of the situation.

Flood damage in Grace's home.

“The flooding happened so fast,” said Grace. “I figured it would be more than Matthew for sure. But I didn’t think it would be this much. It was the worst flooding we’ve had on Ocracoke.”

As Grace returned home and saw her water-soaked house for the first time, a moldy stench overcame her. She suffers from asthma and staying in those harsh conditions for too long proved more than her body can handle. “It immediately choked me up because it was so strong,” Grace recalled. “I inhaled the mold, and it was like I was suffocating.”

But Grace had a house that needed fixed, and she planned to do her best to make that happen. “The first day I overdid it, and I just coughed all night,” Grace said. “My husband was afraid I was going to have to leave the island.”

Operation Blessing and Volunteers to the Rescue

Operation Blessing volunteer helps with recovery on Ocracoke Island.

Thankfully, Grace doesn’t have to cope with this tragedy on her own. Because of friends like you, Operation Blessing is there to help! We met her neighbor Judith the other day, and she told us we just had to help her friend down the street, Grace. So today we showed up with disaster relief kits generously provided by the Home Depot Foundation, filled with the tools to get this job done.

Our team hauled off heavy appliances that Grace and her husband couldn’t lift themselves. Then we began the hard work of ripping water-soaked paneling out of her house. That stuff is difficult to handle, but our team cut right through it. We hauled off the insulation, and by the time we were done one of her bedrooms was clean down to the studs.

Disaster Victim’s Joy and Peace Restored Thanks to You

Grace surrounded by the support of Operation Blessing volunteer helpers.

Grace was overjoyed! “It’s a God send,” Grace exclaimed, “My husband said, ‘I think I can relax now because we have help.’ I was so happy because he was doing too much.”

Thank you for your prayers and your support! Because of your support, Operation Blessing teams and volunteers can serve on the ground in Ocracoke Island, helping people just like Grace and Henry recover from the devastation of Hurricane Dorian.

“Thank you,” Grace said, “I just can’t tell you enough how your donations help us.”

Returning to Houston after Tropical Storm Imelda

Returning to a flooded Houston after Imelda.

Field Report by Justin Jenkins

HOUSTON, TX – As the Operation Blessing team arrived in Houston, Texas, yesterday, I had flashbacks to the devastation from Hurricane Harvey. Our team came here two years ago and helped many families in this area take their first steps towards recovery.

Now we were returning to see if families need our help recovering from Tropical Storm Imelda. I couldn’t help but wonder. “Can a tropical depression really be as devastating as a hurricane?” It didn’t seem possible. But as we left Houston and drove through the communities of Tavola, Woodbranch, and Roman Forest, I wasn’t prepared for what awaited us.

In Tavola, we saw cars lining the streets. Most of them were pulled onto the curbs, and some even appeared to have water marks. We found this odd, but we didn’t yet know what it meant. Once we arrived at the local rec center, acting as a distribution hub for food and supplies, we began to realize the full extent of the flood damage.

We heard harrowing stories about how fast the waters rose, catching many people off guard. In addition, we learned that many victims, including senior citizens, had to be rescued by airboats. We found out many homes had filled with 3-4 feet of flood water, and some even more.

Back to Help Again

Thankfully, Operation Blessing was already sending help to these communities! As we talked to these families at the distribution center, an Operation Blessing semi-truck was already on its way. It held pallets of water and disaster relief kits generously provided by the Home Depot Foundation. And thanks to our partnership with Pastor Dave and The Avenue Church, we had already identified a great need in this area and were prepared to help these families as soon as possible.

Our 53’ Operation Blessing semi-truck arrived at the distribution site, located just minutes from the flooded communities. We unloaded the pallets of water and disaster relief kits. As soon as the semi-truck was unloaded, volunteers from the local area—whose friends and neighbors had flood damage—began to load their vehicles with our supplies.

Handing Out Much Needed Disaster Relief Supplies

Then they started taking them into the community. We had an opportunity to join them and help pass out those supplies to hurting families. We knew these disaster relief kits were important, but we had no idea just how much of a difference they would make in people’s lives.

In Roman Forest, another community hard hit by this flood, we pulled up to one house and met Esther. She told us she was there helping her sister Anna, whose home was severely damaged. Anna’s house was flooded with head high water that left a massive line across her wall.

When you’re caught in the midst of such devastation, it’s easy to forget about basic cleaning supplies. Thankfully we had those supplies, along with many others, in our disaster relief kits. “They had some of the sanitation wipes in the bucket,” Esther shared, “and we needed a clean surface to put the food on.”

Another essential item when cleaning out your home is trash bags. “We were going to make a run for more garbage bags. And then I said, ‘Wait, we’re supplied by Home Depot with garbage bags.’ So we appreciate that.”

In addition to sending supplies into the communities of Tavola, Woodbranch, and Roman Forest, we are also moving into the Beaumont area. Our team is partnering with Cathedral Church to reach out in that community who was also devastated by the floodwaters of Tropical Storm Imelda.

Returning to Texas to help flood victims like this woman.

We served families in that area during Hurricane Harvey, and we’re returning to help again. Thank you so much for your prayers and your support. It’s because of you that we’re able to be here, on the ground in Texas, helping these families take those first steps toward recovery.

If you can, please give a special gift to help disaster victims in need at this time.

Still Helping Dorian Victims in the Bahamas

BAHAMAS – Long after stories like Hurricane Dorian die down in the media, Operation Blessing continues to help those in need. Because of your support, we are currently beginning our second deployment in ten days to bring desperately needed disaster relief to Dorian victims in the hard hit Abaco Islands.

At our warehouse in Ocala, Florida, we loaded a forty-foot container with more than 44,000 pounds of aid. This aid included 17 pallets of water donated by the Home Depot, solar lights, two generators, and additional clean water equipment. And these vital supplies are already on the way to the Bahamas, all thanks to generous friends like you!

Hurricane Dorian Victims Need Our Help

While many evacuated the island, some are trickling back, hoping to rebuild their lives. And others never had the chance to leave. On the ground in Abaco, the Operation Blessing team is currently giving Dorian victims chlorine to sanitize their homes after so much damage.

We’re also providing essential medical care because of your support. Our OB doctors are going house to house providing mobile ultrasounds for pregnant mothers, general exams, and much more.

Clean Water and Disaster Relief

Hearing of the overwhelming need for clean water on the decimated islands, our two water engineers headed to Abaco to support the rest of the team. Thank you to Judah 1 Christian airlines for partnering with us to get them there.

In addition, the engineers brought one Aquifer 360 portable water purifier and a new generator with them. They’re already training locals on how to safely provide clean water for their families.

Operation Blessing plans to stay in Abaco and continue serving Dorian victims for the long haul as they work to rebuild their lives. Please send additional support disaster victims today!

Tropical Storm Imelda Unleashes Flooding in Texas

UPDATE 9/23/2019

Operation Blessing is currently on the scene near Houston delivering crucial supplies. Working with local churches, our teams are distributing water, disaster relief kits, and encouraging victims with love, support, and prayer.

For all the latest updates on our Tropical Storm Imelda efforts, please visit http://www.ob.org/tag/tropical-storm-imelda/


Imelda Early Report

Tropical Storm Imelda unleashed massive amounts of rainfall in Southeast Texas, and has created deadly flooding. The flood-prone area of Beaumont that we served two years ago after Harvey has taken a hard hit, being drenched with over 50 inches of rain. Governor Greg Abbott has declared a state of disaster for 13 Texas counties.

Operation Blessing’s U.S. Disaster Relief Team has been monitoring the situation very closely.

Our advance team is on the way to Beaumont, TX. The team will continue communicating with local and state emergency officials, church partners, and members of the community as we prepare for the potential impacts of the storm. Our team looks forward to serving the people of Texas as needed.

We ask that you keep those who have been impacted by the storm in your thoughts and prayers.

Stay tuned for updates and potential volunteer opportunities as the waters recede. And please give a special gift victims of disasters like Tropical Storm Imelda today at ob.org/OBDisaster.

Safe At School

HONDURAS – For school children in rural communities in Honduras, all-too-often school is not the safe and secure place that it should be. Such was the case for children in the small village of La Peña.

The local school for first through sixth grade consisted of a tiny, ramshackle structure with no walls. The small building couldn’t meet the needs of the area’s children. Out of the 57 local kids who wanted to attend school, only 22 fit.

The old school was unsafe with no walls.

For the children that were able to attend, the structure’s lack of walls exposed them and their learning materials to the heat and rain. The desks, books, and chairs were all rapidly deteriorating and the building provided almost no protection for the children.

To make matters worse, the school had no bathroom for the students and teacher to use. The children struggled to learn in the unsafe and unsanitary environment.

A New Safe School Advances a Community

But Operation Blessing partners like you didn’t abandon those precious children in their difficult circumstances. Seeing the problems in La Peña, they decided to do something about it.

Construction soon began on a brand new school building of strong cement blocks. Two classrooms were built and outfitted with new desks, chairs, books, and more! Now, there’s plenty of space for the children who couldn’t fit in the old school room. Not only that, La Peña’s new school now boasts three bathrooms, one for boys, one for girls, and one for the teacher, as well as a hand washing station. It even includes a playground for the children to enjoy.

Thanks to Operation Blessing partners like you, the children of La Peña now have a nurturing place to learn, grow, and play. The generosity and love that friends like you have shown has completely transformed their childhood.

Serving Dorian Victims in Ocracoke

NORTH CAROLINA, USA – This morning as we rode the ferry to Ocracoke, NC, I couldn’t help but think of Ms. Trudy Austin. The amazing woman had turned down our help yesterday, insisting that we take care of her neighbor first. But today we would have the honor of serving her, and helping her recover from the devastation of Hurricane Dorian.

Dorian Strikes the Island

The night the storm hit, Trudy was in her home with her sister. As the hurricane approached, the eye wall went directly over them with little damage. They thought they were safe. But that was only because they didn’t know what was still to come. For about 20 minutes everything stayed calm. Then disaster struck. When the back side of the eye hit, winds smashed against their home and the water began rushing inside. They had little time to act. The water rose so high and so fast that by the time they decided to evacuate, the back door had jammed shut. “It was seeping through the floor as fast as it was rushing through the door,” Trudy said.

Debris after Hurricane Dorian in Ocracoke Island.

With the backdoor blocked, they looked for other ways to escape. The water kept getting higher and it showed no signs of slowing down. Trudy thought about going through the windows, but neither she nor her sister could lift the heavy old windows. That left only one option: the front door. The very place the water rushed in the fastest.

Trudy tried to open that door, but the water pushed against it so hard she couldn’t get it open either. With no options left, she smashed the glass on her storm door. She and her sister hurried out of the hole and stepped on a porch that looked like a river. “We got out,” Trudy said. “We held on to each other, and we swam over to the cottage.”

Trudy has a raised cottage just behind her house, and that’s where she and her sister found safety. As Trudy sat there watching the raging water, she couldn’t believe her eyes. “I had just been looking the night before on TV about the Abacos,” Trudy said. “And thinking how horrible that they lost everything. How they had to swim out of the house. Then 9 hours later I was doing the same thing.”

Operation Blessing on the Scene with Disaster Relief

Hurricane Dorian damage.

Trudy and her loved ones are safe now, but her house suffered severe damage. She has a long hard road to recovery ahead. The people on Ocracoke are resilient. But everyone on this island got hit hard, so there’s not enough help to go around.

Thankfully Operation Blessing is on Ocracoke, serving Trudy and her neighbors in their recovery efforts! As we combed the streets, looking for people who needed aid, we happened upon Trudy. We told her we’d come to serve her in whatever way necessary, and she was so excited! She grew up with a mom who watched the 700 Club and was overjoyed to learn an affiliated group had arrived on the scene. “This team of angels just rolled in on a horse, and they’re here to help,” Trudy said.

Operation Blessing is serving and praying with hurricane victims.

As we reached her home today, we found massive mounds of water-soaked debris around it. We began to haul it to the road so it can be safely taken away. Afterwards, we prayed with Trudy and lifted her spirits. We got a lot of serving done today, but Trudy still has more work left to do. We let her know we would come back and help in any way we can.

She expressed how thankful she was not only to our team, but to the people who donate and make all this disaster relief work possible. “Thank you for donating. And keep donating, because it does matter. Take it from me. I’m experiencing it first hand and never thought in my life I would need that.”

A Glimpse of Hope for Abaco Islands

BAHAMAS – Thanks to the support of faithful donors like you, Operation Blessing responded as soon as possible to help Hurricane Dorian victims in the Bahamas. Our team faced many travel obstacles following this tragedy that devastated the Bahamas and threw the country into chaos. But they persisted in their goal to reach the Abaco Islands with desperately needed aid.

Operation Blessing disaster relief staff travel by small boats to the Abaco Islands after Hurricane Dorian.

They managed to secure two small boats and loaded them with supplies. After a twelve hour trip on the open sea, they reached the decimated area of Marsh Harbor. The monster category five hurricane had stalled in this area, battering them relentlessly for two days.

Storm damage from Hurricane Dorian.

Previously, over 17,000 residents called the Abaco Islands home. It’s estimated that the storm destroyed 70% of the buildings. It also took out all infrastructure such as water systems and electricity. The official death toll currently stands in the 40s. However, officials expect it to rise dramatically as the search goes on.

OB’s Director of International Disaster Relief, Diego Traverso, said, “We’ll have diseases coming on because there’s trash all over the place, dead animals, even dead bodies all over the place.” Most relief efforts at this point have focused on evacuating thousands of victims, especially those with critical injuries, from the islands. And many still wait to be evacuated.

Hurricane Dorian evacuation.

Traverso called those remaining “the poorest of the poor.” Some might have to stay on the islands because they have no contacts in other parts of the Bahamas or the U.S. These have gathered in a few large groups to find help and shelter.

Once there, Operation Blessing staff worked tirelessly. Our doctor saw patients and provided first aid and medication to traumatized Bahamians. Our safe water team set up our first solar powered desalination system to give precious clean water to the gathered crowds.

And we handed out hundreds of solar lights to give a glimpse of hope during this dark time. Young children actually danced and played with their lights, finding simple joy in the fact that some relief had made it to them.

We will continue moving in more aid and providing assistance however we can. Traverso said, “We need your help. The Bahamas need your prayers.” At this time, we’re also beginning our outreach to the hard hit areas of North Carolina.

See all the latest on our Hurricane Dorian disaster relief efforts, including touching photos and videos. And please give a special disaster relief gift at this time!

Serving Dorian’s Victims in the Bahamas


BAHAMAS – Operation Blessing is helping the Bahamas following the devastation of Hurricane Dorian. Thousands of residents have been displaced, as homes, business, and entire communities were destroyed. Your generous support makes it possible for Operation Blessing to travel to smaller islands like Abaco where residents are in desperate need of critical resources as they wait to evacuate. To learn more about how you can help those affected by Hurricane Dorian, visit ob.org/disaterrelief.


During times of crisis and disaster victims desperately need your help. Click here to make an online donation today. Your gift can make a huge difference. Thank you for your compassion to bless the hurting.

Poised in Charleston For Dorian Victims


CHARLESTON, UNITED STATES – Operation Blessing stands ready to serve the residents of Charleston, South Carolina, who were affected by Hurricane Dorian. Men, women, and children across coastal South Carolina have been left without power and in need of supplies as they recover from the storm. Your generous support is providing these critical resources for families in need. To learn how you can bless those affected by disaster, visit ob.org/disasterrelief.


During times of crisis and disaster victims desperately need your help. Click here to make an online donation today. Your gift can make a huge difference. Thank you for your compassion to bless the hurting.

Helping Persecuted Brothers and Sisters in the Middle East

JORDAN – Bubbly and cheerful young Maryam doesn’t even remember the nightmare her family endured in Iraq when she was just a baby. For her, the days are spent playing with friends at her safe, Christian school in Jordan. But her persecuted Christian family has faced—and still faces—many difficult challenges after suffering for their faith.

A Terrifying Escape From ISIS Terror

When ISIS took over their city of Mosul, Maryam’s parents, along with many other Christians, were sent an eviction notice. Be gone in six hours or be killed. The family had to flee their lovely home, their community, and their employment to escape sure death. As they desperately rushed out of the city, the car they had hired was in accident. It rolled over five times and injured Maryam’s mother. Shortly after, ISIS destroyed their house and much of their Christian city.

Maryam in her Christian school for refugees in Jordan.

For the next several years, Maryam’s father, Sameer, moved between Jordan and Iraq in search of any income. Her mother, Nour, found employment cleaning the American Embassy. And her father ended up working as a driver for the U.S. Army. After establishing such close associations with the U.S., they knew they could never return home again.

Persecuted Christians in Crisis

The persecuted Christian family now resides in Jordan. They live safely in that progressive nation, but still suffer at the same time. Similar to so many who fled ISIS, they haven’t been granted citizenship. But they don’t have true refugee status either. They’re stuck in limbo, hoping to find a new country they can truly call home.

Sameer said, “The biggest problem is that I’m not allowed to work, and everything here is very expensive.” Like most men, he just wants to provide a decent home and living for his wife and daughter.

Maryam's family receives food from Operation Blessing.

But thanks to Operation Blessing supporters like you, and our partnership with a Jordanian partner called Messenger of Peace, Maryam’s persecuted family is getting the help they need during this transitional time. They received a heater to better face the cold Jordanian winters, several months’ worth of food, and a Christian education for Maryam.

Persecuted Christians in the Middle East Get Crisis Relief

She now attends a school where she gets nutritious meals every day along with her lessons. Maryam said, “I have a lot of friends… I like to eat with them, study with them, and play with them…especially hide and seek.”

So many Christian refugee families have escaped persecution and are now receiving hope, encouragement and assistance through Operation Blessing friends and partners in Jordan. In addition to food and schooling, they get medical care and free lessons for adults in English, sewing and computers. These new skills will hopefully help them once they find a permanent homeland.

These refugee children have all been persecuted for their Christian faith.

Maryam, Nour and Sameer are still waiting to find their final home in a new country. But in the meantime, partners like you have made a huge difference in their lives. Sameer said, “I’m very happy there are Christian people thinking about helping the Christian Iraqi refugees… I’m very thankful for these people doing things for Jesus.”

Young Maryam also thanked those helping them and praying for them. She summed up her thoughts by folding her hands into a heart and saying, “I love you.”