Delivering Supplies to Quake Victims in Japan

JAPAN – Today we loaded up with supplies that had come into our partner, Kumamoto Harvest Church, which is serving as distribution hub to the area, to make a delivery on their behalf to the heavily damaged town of Mashiki, about 10 miles to the east.

As we got closer, we could see the level of destruction was much greater than what we had seen in Kumamoto City. Roads were buckled and the ground was split, making it very difficult to move forward. Many times we had to look for detours, making U-turns to move forward.

Houses were broken in two, first floor of apartment buildings crushed, concrete electric poles broken in half, wires dangling. Home foundations that had been weakened by the many aftershocks were totally destroyed by the large earthquake that followed. If there were to be another earthquake, residents could easily be crushed by the collapsing houses. For this reason many residents are too afraid to sleep inside their homes or even in emergency shelter buildings and are taking refuge in their cars.

We made our way headed to the Kiyama Christian Church that is situated within a residential area of Mashiki Town to deliver the supplies. From here the supplies will be delivered to the surrounding residents.

Japan quake damage

After we had made our delivery, we got word through social media of request for supplies from an isolated group of survivors. With support from our staff in Sendai and Fukushima, we were able to verify the needs, get information on road conditions, and find the high school and kindergarten where survivors were taking refuge.

One of the requests we had received was from someone who lived in Hokkaido, the northernmost island, who informed us that there was a kindergarten in the town that was in need of supplies. We were able to deliver desperately needed diapers and hygiene items, and furthermore was able to connect them with the local relief center, from which they will be able to obtain more supplies.

OB Japan’s relief and recovery support for the people of Kyushu has just begun.

Justice for Miranda

DOMINICAN REPUBLIC – To many, the Dominican Republic (DR) is a Caribbean island paradise; however, in spite of ongoing efforts by Dominican authorities, to others, it remains a place of slavery and abuse.

Sex trafficking and sex tourism still run rampant here even though the DR enacted its first anti-trafficking laws in 2003. But the rules are rarely enforced. Even though the laws have been on the books for over a decade, there have been only six convictions for sex trafficking nationwide. Operation Blessing, in partnership with the International Justice Mission (IJM), is working to change that.

Miranda* was one of these victims—held captive by a man who sexually assaulted her and trafficked her to other men for money. Eventually, Miranda was rescued by local law enforcement and, thanks to Operation Blessing and IJM, placed within a safe and secure aftercare home. Though while recovering from the abuse, Miranda learned she was pregnant.

Miranda’s abuser was arrested and brought to trial, which is highly unusual in the Dominican Republic. IJM, with Operation Blessing’s support, supplied a lawyer to represent Miranda in court. The man who assaulted Miranda and pimped her on the streets was convicted — IJM’s first sex trafficking conviction in the DR!

Justice is needed for more victims in the Dominican Republic.

Now Miranda and her little one are safe, receiving support from a team of social workers. These caring individuals are part of a comprehensive aftercare system established by IJM, and supported by OBI, for girls and women coming out of sexual slavery. Like Miranda, each victim is placed in a safe location and evaluated on an individual basis. A comprehensive treatment plan is then established and holistic care is provided to help each individual heal from the scars and trauma of their exploitation.

Miranda is walking down the path toward healing and restoration as she and her baby now have hope for a brighter future. The conviction of her abuser is a step toward once again establishing justice for the victims of this horrific crime in the Dominican Republic and around the world.

Thanks to the compassion and support of Operation Blessing partners and IJM, last year 42 women and girls just like Miranda were rescued from sex trafficking in the DR. One victim at a time, justice and freedom are gaining ground in the Dominican Republic.

*Name changed to protect identity.

From the Field

A Texas Tornado Warning Finds A Family in the Nick of Time

TEXAS – Joseph was relaxing with his daughters and watching TV the day after Christmas. He was aware of a tornado warning in effect for his area, but, being from India, Joseph had little knowledge of and experience with these fast moving and powerful storms.

Assuming that he’d hear the Texas tornado warning and have time to react, Joseph focused on spending time with his girls unaware that a twister was bearing down on his neighborhood.

Joseph’s cousin, aware of the imminent danger, called Joseph and told him to get himself and his daughters into the bathroom immediately. Joseph did so and, less than five seconds later, the twister struck.

Joseph remained on the phone with his cousin who recounted, “I heard the six-year-old girl scream and then the phone got disconnected. I got really scared.”

But thanks to his cousin’s timely phone call, Joseph and his girls were protected. However, they emerged from the bathroom to find their home’s living room, where they had been sitting moments before, littered with debris.

Joseph's damaged home.

Texas Tornado Warning Aftermath

Only days after the storm had passed, Operation Blessing volunteers arrived to help Joseph, and many of his neighbors, begin the process of clearing debris and rebuilding. “The cleanup work is really difficult,” Joseph said, “it’s a blessing that you guys are coming out and helping.”

Operation Blessing disaster relief teams are on the ground in Texas aiding devastated families by coordinating volunteers and providing help salvaging belongings and beginning process of recovery. In a single Saturday, Operation Blessing sent out more than 2,000 volunteers to help those in need!

Critical Needs of Earthquake Victims

NEPAL – Devastated families are in desperate need of help in the wake of the 7.8-magnitude earthquake in Nepal.

Survivors of the deadly quake are taking refuge in tent cities, either homeless or too terrified sleep indoors. But temperatures drop dangerously low at night and basic necessities like clean water and food are scarce.

Operation Blessing is responding in Nepal with a focus on meeting the critical need for safe drinking water and medical aid. OBI’s vice president of international operations, David Darg, has transported hand-held chlorination units from the United States. These units will produce a high-grade chlorine solution that can be used to disinfect large amounts of water—making it safe to drink.

Please join us in praying for the families impacted by the tragic loss of life and homes in the Kathmandu area.

From the Field

A Pipeline to the Poor: Blessing Families in Need

One thing that every man, woman and child has in common is that we all get hungry every day. There is, however, a major difference in how people satisfy their hunger. For many of us, a trip to the store or market does the trick, but if you don’t have the resources to purchase, raise or secure your daily bread … you go hungry. Chronic hunger brings on sickness, lethargy, misery and, all too often, death from starvation.

The Bible gives clear mandates to those living prosperous lives: feed the hungry and help the poor. We are warned that turning our backs on the poor is sinful and has negative consequences, both in this life and on judgment day. Besides these written instructions, we are all born with a deep yearning to help those less fortunate. There are many who want to help, but simply don’t know how. I would like to offer some exciting opportunities.

Provide truckloads of food to unemployed Americans; agriculture training in far flung countries for folks willing to work but lacking resources; solar-powered wells with drip irrigation in dry places like parts of Kenya; raised-bed organic farming in Guatemala; a fish farm in Haiti; innovative methods to disinfect contaminated water in places like South Sudan, Honduras and Mexico; or even support for a community garden in Norfolk, Va. These programs and many more are each built with maximum bang for every donor dollar and most are designed with sustainable “teach a man to fish” strategies.

In each issue of Blessings magazine we tell true stories about how people like you are enabling OBI to help the poor in powerful ways. Think of Operation Blessing as a pipeline to the poor—a conduit in which blessings are multiplied and delivered efficiently the world over. Will you join us in increasing the capacity and extending the reach of our pipeline to the poor?

Bringing Relief to Hurricane Sandy’s Victims

NEW JERSEY– In the wake of Hurricane Sandy’s devastating hit to the Northeast U.S., bringing severe flooding, record-breaking storm surges, and snow, Operation Blessing disaster teams are on the ground bringing relief to some of the hardest-hit communities.

Under the leadership of Jody Gettys, Director of U.S. Disaster Relief, the OBI team pre-staged staff and equipment in Virginia before deploying north to New Jersey and New York to coordinate relief efforts with local partners and emergency management officials.

The OBI team on the ground currently includes a number of staff and equipment including a mobile command center; mobile kitchen with the capacity to serve up to 2,000 meals daily; construction trailers with tools and safety equipment needed for debris removal, tarping roofs, flood clean-up and gutting homes; kerosene heaters, and more.

From the Field

Teams on the Move to Respond to Ike

DALLAS, Texas – Yesterday, the Texas State Emergency Operations Center (EOC) asked OBI to come in to meet with them. The relationship that is developing with them is quickly gaining strength.

While at the State EOC I secured a letter to use for “re-entry” and to wave weight and permit restrictions for all vehicles/equipment that are responding to the disaster within the State of Texas. I also met with Texas DOT (Texas Department of Transportation) to confirm “in-routes” for us and Samaritan’s Purse, and distributed entry and route information to all of our partners in the faith-based disaster relief agencies in the CRC (Christian Relief Cooperative).

OBI disaster response teams prepare a convoy to head into the areas affected by Hurricane Ike.

Right now our team is en-route to Beaumont, Texas. The convoy of equipment left today at 5:30 a.m. OB will be setting up our base of operations at Cathedral in the Pines Church in Beaumont, Texas, and service Orange and Bridge City communities from there. The power is out in Beaumont so our large generator that is en-route will be great to help power the church.

I am making plans to meet with the mayor and emergency manager of Beaumont today. I will also go to Orange and Bridge City for assessments. As of yesterday at 5:30 p.m. CST, the SARS (Search and Rescue) Teams were still rescuing people off roof tops in both Orange and Bridge City.

I followed up with Pastor Hallum of a 4,000 member church in La Marque. His church sustained approximately $250,000 worth of damage. He told us that there is damage in communities around him and we will conduct assessments in La Marque areas to see how we may assist that community.

Three OB trucks are scheduled to arrive Monday including disaster relief supplies from St. Bernard such as MREs, tarps and volunteer supplies, as well as A 1,000 AMP 3 Phase generator and skid-mounted shower. We have two teams of 10 that are ready to respond and will arrive probably by tomorrow. Additional volunteer teams are being lined up for later this week.

Already, OBI's shower trailer has been assisting a shelter in Tyler, Texas, with more than 2,000 evacuees.

Already, our shower trailer has been assisting a shelter in Tyler, Texas, with more than 2,000 evacuees. The State EOC requested our help for a shower trailer and within 7 hours of their request we had the shower delivered and setup. The majority of evacuees staying at this shelter are residents of Beaumont, Texas, and so far most have been unable to find out what the condition of their homes are following the hurricane.

We are prepared to cook meals this evening if needed and will continue to work with the State EOC and local partners to determine the needs and bring relief and resources to those impacted by Hurricane Ike.

From the Field