Your Compassion Rekindled Hope After Raging Wildfires

Raging wildfires spare nothing in their path, leaving behind a trail of ashes, debris, and shattered dreams. In Texas, the flames consumed over a million acres, while in Chile, entire neighborhoods were reduced to rubble. And on the island of Maui, the deadliest wildfire in modern U.S. history claimed over 100 lives and left thousands homeless. Yet, even in the face of such overwhelming devastation, a flicker of hope remained, fueled by the unwavering compassion of friends like you.

wildfire damage

Destructive Wildfires in Texas

IN TEXAS, you enabled the Operation Blessing team to respond swiftly to the raging wildfires along the panhandle near Amarillo. County Commissioner Chris Prock shared the gravity of the situation: “We lost several hundred structures to the fire. It went through some of our neighborhoods.” Your generosity provided emergency necessities, hygiene supplies, and cleanup materials to all in need, including first responders battling the deadly flames.

disaster relief in Chile

Shannon, a local rancher, recounted the harrowing experience, “I turned off the highway to come in here, and there was fire raging on both sides of me. We lost around 5,000 acres. … It was just a helpless feeling.” Commissioner Prock expressed his gratitude: “Having organizations like Operation Blessing show up—a global organization—and say, ‘Hey, what can we do for your community? We’re here for you. How can we meet that need?’ It’s just a huge blessing to us.”

Destructive Wildfires in Chile

ACROSS THE OCEAN IN CHILE—In the weeks just before the Texas disaster, families like Daisy’s similarly found themselves grappling with the aftermath of destructive wildfires. “The fires started near us, and in less than an hour we had to evacuate with only the backpacks we packed the day before,” Daisy recounted.

disaster relief in Chile

Through your support, Operation Blessing joined forces with local and international partners to provide assistance—including food, water, and help rebuilding homes following the raging wildfires. “Our hearts are filled with gratitude for the help—what they’re doing for us and many other people,” Daisy expressed. “We’re no longer starting from scratch.”

responding to natural disasters

Catastrophic Wildfires in Hawaii

IN HAWAII, the catastrophic wildfires traumatized survivors like Alan and his young son Kaipo. “Fire was everywhere, burning everyone’s houses, making its way toward everyone and their vehicles as they tried to get away,” Alan recalled. But your generosity provided emergency supplies, fishing gear, and even help developing the Ohana Hope Community—a temporary housing solution for hundreds of displaced Hawaiians.

Hawaii wildfire damage

Alan shared his immense gratitude. “To have stuff like that handed to us is like a dream come true. Big mahalos (thanks) to you all. Thank you, guys, for taking the time and opportunity for helping those in need. You guys are truly a blessing.”

relief charity

Through your generosity, Operation Blessing has been able to bring comfort and aid to those in need. From providing essential supplies to rebuilding homes, your support has been a lifeline for families struggling to regain their footing. Out of the ashes from raging wildfires, hope has risen, fueled by your willingness to stand with the suffering.

Hawaii wildfire victims

Thank you for showing God’s love in the darkest of times. Your compassion has truly made a difference in the lives of those who have lost so much.

helping victims

When Food Is Scarce and Times Are Tough, You Give Hope to the Hungry!

WORLDWIDE – Imagine for a moment the life of a child in a faraway village—we’ll call her Sarah. She might be in Peru, or Thailand, or even somewhere in Africa, but the story will be much the same. Sarah loves art, playing soccer with her friends, and helping around the house. But something always weighs heavily at the back of Sarah’s mind: food. If you were Sarah, what would you do when food is scarce?

overcoming global hunger

Her loving parents try so hard, but they struggle to make ends meet. The cycle of generational poverty has robbed them of opportunities that might have allowed them to get ahead. Too often, there simply isn’t enough food for their family of six, and her mother and father skip meals. They think she doesn’t notice, but Sarah sees everything.

And while she realizes that some of her friends enjoy hearty dinners with nutritious meats and vegetables, too many days she and her siblings survive on a rationed portion of rice or beans. Today, Sarah’s stomach growls loudly as she walks to school. It will be hard to pay attention in class. And as much as she loves to play, she knows she’ll probably be too tired and hungry to enjoy recess. Hopefully, one of her parents can find some work today. Otherwise, there won’t be much to eat for dinner. Again.

Global Hunger

Praying for An End to Food Scarcity

When Sarah arrives back home, her mother greets her with a warm smile, but the worry in her eyes tells Sarah everything she needs to know. She is suffering from food scarcity. She’ll pray extra hard tonight. Surely tomorrow will be a better day. It just has to be.

Sarah’s story is one that’s familiar around the world—even here in the United States. Children like Sarah might not technically be starving, but they are what we call “food insecure.” Food is scarce for children like Sarah. It is hard to come by for their families, whether because of job loss, inflation, sickness, conflict, natural disaster, or just heartbreaking generational poverty.

In some cases, these children might not actually feel hungry, but they lack vital nutrients and a reliable source of food. They are malnourished, unable to thrive in school, anxious about food, and they easily fall prey to illness.

hunger relief donation

When Food Is Scarce, You Help Us Fight the Battle Against Hunger

That’s why we’re so thankful that you are fighting hunger in America and around the globe every day. When food is scarce and times are tough, you step in and offer hope to the hungry. Through food distributions, agricultural programs, small business opportunities, skills training, and educational initiatives, you make sure that kids like Sarah, as well as adults and the elderly, have the food they need not only to survive—but to thrive.

The USDA reports that 12.8% of households in America are food insecure to some degree—and estimates that over 700,000 children in the U.S. have experienced significant food insecurity.

These Are the Faces of Hunger


After Hurricane Otis hit Mexico, demolishing homes and businesses, Raquel and her husband struggled to feed their children. Thank goodness, you made a way for this family. Not only did generous friends like you provide them with food, you also gave them supplies and tools for Raquel to restart her business selling corn and plantains.

when food is scarce Operation Blessing is there to help

Life is hard in the region of Gombi, Nigeria. Tabita’s family often made do with only corn, beans, and rice. She worried that they wouldn’t have enough to eat. Then, you sent an agriculture project to her area. Now Tabita reports that she’s had a bountiful harvest, her children are eating well, and that the profits from her small farm have helped to pay for the children’s school fees.

charity fighting food scarcity

For 79-year-old Eugeny, the conflict in Ukraine started in 2014. When the war hit full force in 2022, he faced daily explosions and survived without heat, electricity, and gas. Then one night his bedside candle started a fire, which he barely survived. Now he lives at a home for the elderly and infirm in Ukraine, where you help provide him with three hearty homemade meals a day.

food scarcity worldwide

As in many developing nations, hunger and food scarcity have increased in Thailand since the pandemic. The situation has only gotten worse as many refugees fleeing Myanmar have settled in their country. But we’re glad to report that you are reaching out to kids like Ju Ju. You even provided a special celebration that included a hot meal, a food distribution, gifts, and fun Superbook activities.


Sammy and Olivia’s lives were turned upside down when Sammy needed emergency heart surgery and had to take time off to recover. Even though Olivia worked extra hours, they began to drown financially and didn’t know what to do for food. Then you provided abundant groceries for them through a food pantry in their area.

overcoming food insecurity in America

According to the World Health Organization, over 122 million MORE people around the world faced hunger in 2023 than in 2019, bringing the total to about 735 million!

For so many food is scarce, but you are helping reverse that statistic.

A New House in Kenya…Built on Love

KENYA – For Lydia and her family in rural Kenya, the sound of rain was once a source of dread rather than comfort. Their rundown hut, riddled with cracks and holes, offered little protection from the elements. As the rainwater seeped in, so did the cold, making it nearly impossible to sleep. Lydia’s heart ached witnessing her children endure these miserable conditions, but as a day laborer struggling to make ends meet, she felt powerless to change their circumstances.

damaged home

A Glimmer of Hope Amidst Hardship

Lydia’s youngest children attended a school that was being run by Operation Blessing, a humanitarian organization dedicated to alleviating poverty worldwide. When the charity’s representatives learned of the family’s plight, they knew they had to take action. Thanks to the generosity of compassionate donors like you, Operation Blessing embarked on a journey to build the family a new home in Kenya – a sanctuary where they could finally find peace and comfort.

A Sanctuary of Joy: A New House in Kenya

As the construction team diligently worked, Lydia and her children could scarcely believe their eyes. Brick by brick, their dream of a safe, sturdy new house in Kenya was becoming a reality. The new house featured a separate kitchen area, protecting the family from the hazardous smoke that once filled their living quarters. Solar lights illuminated the rooms, banishing the darkness that had engulfed their lives for far too long.

“We never dreamed this would happen to us,” Lydia exclaimed, her voice trembling with joy. “It brings me such happiness to no longer worry about a leaking roof when it rains. We are protected from the wind and cold.”

A Fresh Start, a Brighter Future

new home in Kenya

The new kitchen, a dedicated space for cooking and gathering, filled Lydia with immense gratitude. “I am so happy with our new kitchen,” she beamed. “We no longer cook and sleep in the same place, so we don’t suffer from the smoke from the fireplace.”

For the first time, Lydia and her children had their separate bedrooms where they could rest peacefully. “I sleep so well now,” Lydia shared, her eyes shining with hope for the future.

A Legacy of Love: Your Donations Changed Lives

Lydia’s story of her new house in Kenya is a powerful testament to the transformative impact of kindness and generosity. Her family’s life has been forever changed, all thanks to the compassionate friends like you who chose to support Operation Blessing’s mission.

“We are grateful to God and everyone who helped us,” Lydia expressed, her voice filled with profound gratitude. “May God bless you and prosper you, so you can continue giving these kinds of miracles to other families.”

As Lydia and her children embark on this new chapter, their journey serves as a reminder that even the smallest act of kindness can ripple outward, bringing joy and hope to those in need. Through the power of love and the generosity of our donors, Operation Blessing continues to build brighter futures, one home and one family at a time.

Refreshing Water Solution in Mexico

MEXICO – Who are these radiant children, and why are they wearing such dazzling smiles? Meet Federico (9) and Diana (4), the youngest of the Pérez kids. Their older siblings used to trek long distances every few days to get water needed for drinking, bathing, and washing clothes—but now they have it stored safely nearby. Now they are benefiting from a refreshing water solution in Mexico. It’s a win-win story not only for this family, but for an entire village!

clean water system

Living just outside the town of Jiquipilas, in the Mexican state of Chiapas, this family—like the others in their small community—suffered the uncertainty of water scarcity. They needed an efficient way to gather and store water, especially during dry periods. Their father, Joaquín, led multiple trips for water each week. But, as is all too often the case, the water wasn’t clean and caused health problems like stomachaches and headaches. Much as they wanted to, Frederico and Diana’s parents were unable to change this difficult situation for their children.

Water Solution in Mexico Helps Battle Water Scarcity

But thanks to your thoughtfulness, the families of this village now enjoy a very different reality. In response to the town’s need, friends like you made it possible for Operation Blessing to intervene. We met with the villagers and found a way to improve their communal water system by installing a water tank with chlorination—and ensuring that all of the homes would have full access to this vital resource. This water solution in Mexico would prove to be life changing, as the entire village did not suffer from the stress of water scarcity.

overcoming water scarcity

The health of the villagers also improved after participating in the water care workshops we provided. Joaquín said gratefully, “Our way of life has already changed, and we believe it will change even more because we are taking care of the water. …We feel thankful because we hadn’t received help from anyone, and Operation Blessing’s supporters provided that help.”

“Our way of life has already changed, and we believe it will change even more because we are taking care of the water. …We feel thankful because we hadn’t received help from anyone, and Operation Blessing’s supporters provided that help.”

new water tank

Accessing Affordable Hernia Surgery in Honduras

HONDURAS – For some families, finding affordable hernia surgery in Honduras can be a insurmountable challenge. This common condition, where internal organs bulge through weakened muscle or tissue, can cause excruciating pain and complications if left untreated. Tragically, many Honduran children, like 5-year-old Josue, are forced to endure this debilitating issue without access to the medical care they desperately need.

Honduran child in great pain

Josue’s Path to Hernia Surgery in Honduras

Josue was born with a hernia that only got worse as he aged. His parents recalled the agonizing days when “he was in constant pain” and the local hospital could do nothing to help. “I felt a pain in my heart because I wanted to fix him or pay for surgery. But for us, it was impossible. We will never be able to afford the cost of an operation,” Josue’s mother shared.

Fortunately, we were able to step in and provide Josue with life-changing hernia surgery at no cost to his family. After the successful procedure, Josue’s parents rejoiced, saying, “I am very grateful to Operation Blessing. I hope that you can help many more families like ours.”

surgery for hernia in Honduras

Empowering Honduran Families With Kindness

Through the generosity of our partners, we were able to cover the full cost of the procedure for Josue. You are the reason families like Josue’s can access this critical care, restoring their health and quality of life. With your support, we can continue reaching more people and transforming lives.

To learn more about Operation Blessing’s surgery initiative or to make a donation, please visit our website. Together, we can help other children in need live a life that is free from constant pain.

recovery from hernia surgery

A Future in Sight Without Cataracts

INDIA – Like most children, Alfa loved to play with her younger siblings, Umara and Ibrahim. Yet for these three children in India, the world was growing darker. Cataracts were stealing their vision and blurring their futures. But you gave them hope when they needed it most. Hope for a future without cataracts.

By the time Alfa was 10 years old, she was nearly blind and needed constant assistance—even to walk. School frustrated her. “I had a hard time studying, especially writing,” she said. “I was not able to write properly and keep a straight line.” To make matters worse, Umara and Ibrahim also struggled to see.

overcoming cataracts

All Three Children in India Needed Surgery

Alfa’s parents took them to a nearby hospital, but the answer was devastating: All the children needed surgery. “We come from a very poor family background,” their mother, Afreen, cried as she shared with us. “There was no way we could afford even one surgery, let alone three. So, we just came back home.”

Tajuddin, Alfa’s father, worked hard so that Afreen could stay home to help the children with their many unique needs. “I felt completely helpless,” he told us. “I worked all day in the fields and came home to see my children struggling. I could not sleep peacefully at night.”

Then you shined a light into their darkness and provided cataract surgery for all three children in India. Their lives were immediately transformed. As soon as they returned home, they were able to see clearly enough to play with each other without assistance.

able to see after surgery

A Future Without Cataracts

Today, Alfa happily sees a world that’s in focus. “I love playing outside. I’m doing well in my school, and I can do all my my homework on my own.” Her confidence is growing, and her future looks promising.

“I can see joy in my children,” Afreen said. The worry and burden she carried for so long is now relieved, thanks to your love and support. “I want to thank everyone who helped us.”

Your compassion gave this precious family hope and a new beginning. They can now see a future that is clear and bright. A future without cataracts obscuring their hopes and dreams.

healed from cataracts

You Provided Hunger Relief for Flood Victims

BRAZIL – As waters are receding in the flooded neighborhoods of Novo Hamburgo, Brazil, families are just beginning their long journey of recovery—a journey marked with challenges and food scarcity. As families return to decimated neighborhoods and homes, your commitment to providing hunger relief for flood victims means so much.

Local mother Ana has returned to her home with her family after spending weeks in a shelter. Like so many others, her concerns immediately turned to how she would feed her family. She told us, “I had to trash a lot of things, including everything I had left in the fridge. What little things I had were taken out of the house.”

helping hungry flood victims in Brazil

Food Boxes Help Provide Essentials to Brazilian Flood Victims

Because of the generous support of friends like you, Operation Blessing has been packing and distributing food boxes filled with items that can sustain a family for a week. Ana said, “It helps a lot. This food box has all of the basics that will help me out a lot. My children and husband like rice and beans the most, so they can eat what they like.”

making a difference for flood survivors in Brazil

Hunger Relief for Flood Victims Is Critical

Grazi Pereira is another flood survivor in Brazil. Now, families like Grazi’s can keep up their strength as they navigate this difficult time. She said, “The donations we’re receiving right now are so important, crucial even. Your generosity ends up helping us see a little light at the end of the tunnel.”

Operation Blessing is still in Brazil hearing amazing stories like this because of your generosity. This support is so valuable because it means we can continue caring for the people surviving disaster. Grazi said, “We thank Operation Blessing so much. All the help we’ve received is important, not just for us, but all of the families in need.”

Ana said, “If I could speak to the donors, I would thank them very much. May God bless you for giving. It’s so heartwarming to receive help from people all over the world, because sometimes we can feel forgotten. So, thank you very much from the bottom of my heart.” Thank you for having such a heart of generosity.

Grazie Pereira Brazil flood survivor

A Father’s Battle Against Poverty and Hunger

KENYA – As dawn flooded the outskirts of Nairobi, Wycliffe emerged from his home tired but determined. This loving father was on a mission—a mission to shield his children from a life spent in poverty and hunger. But with every temporary job he took, Wycliffe’s hope to provide for his family faded.

Wycliffe and his wife, Linda, reached out for loans and relied on the kindness of a local shop for just enough food to keep the family from starving, promising to make small payments whenever they were able.

As he was unable to pay the necessary school fees, Wycliffe’s children, Ryan (10) and Precious (6), remained at home with their mom and the baby while he looked for work each day. “It hurt me deeply to see other kids in school while mine stayed home,” Wycliffe said. “At times, I struggled to explain to them why they couldn’t stay in school consistently.”

overcoming hunger

The Cruel Impact of Poverty and Hunger

Sometimes even prayer felt hollow—drowned out by the needs of his hungry children. Needs caused by the cruel impact of poverty and hunger. Little did Wycliffe know that support was coming.

Thanks to friends like you, the tide was about to turn in his favor. You became the answer to this father’s prayers and extended a helping hand that would alter the course of this family’s life forever.

Because of your kindness, Wycliffe was given a food cart complete with charcoal, sausages, eggs, and even packing paper—everything he would need to start his own business. Your gift of a microenterprise empowered him to lift his family out of destitute poverty.

Wycliffe’s food cart proved a remarkable success, allowing him to not only provide daily meals for his little ones but also to pay back every debt owed. Your compassionate support also gave him the ability to cover the cost for his children’s return to school—where they can once again learn, play, and grow.

“I have been able to create a ripple effect of opportunities,” Wycliffe shared, brimming with optimism. “We bless the people from whom we get the charcoal, the eggs and sausages we sell, the sauces and tomato onion salad we use.”

beating poverty in Kenya

From Lack to Abundance

In fact, business is so good that Wycliffe plans to expand! Excited for what the future holds, Wycliffe said, “I am hoping to get another food cart soon and be able to have another stand at a different location. … My wife can have one of her own … and we can make double the profits to grow our family together.”

Now, as a new dawn breaks over Nairobi, Wycliffe stands tall as a provider, protector, and of course, proud papa. His battle against poverty and hunger, which once seemed lonely, silent, and endless, is being won, all thanks to your dedicated support.

“Just the name ‘Blessing’ in Operation Blessing is exactly what that was for me,” Wycliffe said gratefully. “You have been the blessing and breakthrough I so much needed and hoped for.”

Food for Flood Victims in Brazil

BRAZIL – Operation Blessing is still in Novo Hamburgo near Porto Alegre, weeks after the flood disaster struck the area. With so much of the area reeling from catastrophic floods, many families are dependent on your generosity. Providing food for flood victims still remains a critical task to help displaced families.

Franciele, mother of three, and flood victim, shared her experience. “Because of the rain, we didn’t sleep for three nights. Then the police and town guards came to tell us we had to leave our home. We took our son with only the clothes on our back and left.” She continued, “We haven’t gone back because our house is full of water, so that’s why we’re at the shelter today.”

providing flood relief in Brazil

Helping Families Who Have Lost Everything

Families lost everything, even hope. But with your consistent support, Operation Blessing is committed to be there as a ray of hope in the name of Jesus. Likewise, we are partnering with the local church. Pastor Lucio of Spring Lutheran Primavera Church told us, “We saw that the children and families were desperate because they had to leave their homes. So very early, we created a church team to lead the volunteers to help them.”

Providing Food for Flood Victims and More

Families were lining up for hours to receive what Operation Blessing brought them. But our team is doing much more than just providing food for flood victims. We’re distributing hygiene essentials and blankets as well. Franciele said, “The food boxes are wonderful, and the food is very good. If it weren’t for these donations and this packed food, I don’t know what we’d do.” We are here in Brazil still because of your prayers. Your support is so valuable because it means we can keep supporting the people that are suffering all over the world.

flood relief charity

Pastor Lucio shared his thanks, “Operation Blessing has helped us, and I want to thank their volunteers. I pray Operation Blessing can continue to be a great help.” He continued, “I would ask the supporters to keep going. Continue praying, and continue bringing donations for these people.” Franciele said, “I’m just grateful for everything. For the warmth and the welcome. I thank God and everyone who has done everything possible and impossible to help us.” You can support even more families when you visit today!

Kenya Cataract Surgery: Restoring Hope For Mchodey

KENYA – In the remote villages of Kenya, access to medical care is limited, and Mchodey’s world was shrouded in darkness. For more than two agonizing years. Mchodey struggled with cataracts in both eyes, blocking the light and stealing her independence. Little did she know that the gift of Kenya cataract surgery would change her life in immeasurable ways.

suffering from cataracts

A Life in Shadows: Mchodey’s Struggle

Once, Mchodey was an active member of her community. With normal eyesight, she could tend to chores and care for her family without difficulty. However, when cataracts stole her vision, her world came crashing down. Even basic tasks like fetching water or attending to livestock became insurmountable challenges. She felt helpless and isolated.

sad over lost vision

The Depths of Despair: Battling Blindness

Blindness engulfed Mchodey. Unable to navigate the world around her, she was confined to the darkness of her home, dependent upon others for even her most basic needs. Mchodey’s heart felt heavy. She had lost all hope.

A Beacon of Hope: Operation Blessing’s Intervention

Amidst Mchodey’s darkest hour, friends like you were there. Thanks to your support, Operation Blessing was able to send a dedicated medical team to her village, where we offered the gift of Kenya cataract surgery to those in need.


A Future Illuminated By Possibility

Mchodey was among the 84 individuals who received life-changing cataract surgeries, all provided by friends just like you. As the bandages were removed, she was able to see light once again. Overwhelmed with gratitude and awe, she told us, “God has indeed blessed me, His child!”

Operation Blessing pays for cataract surgery

A Journey Home After Kenya Cataract Surgery

When Mchodey returned to her village, she regained her independence and her dignity. Kenya cataract surgery changed her life.

village in Kenya

A Prayer of Gratitude: Paying It Forward

Every day, Mchodey is grateful for the precious gift of cataract surgery. She prays that God will bless those who helped her see again so that they may continue helping countless others in need of vision-saving surgeries.

Mchodey’s story is a living example of the profound impact of your kindness. Your generosity changed her life and the lives of many others in Kenay. Thank you for your partnership with Operation Blessing!

happy with new eyesight