The Struggle of Living with Crossed Eyes

MEXICO – Juan Diego’s battle with crossed eyes began in infancy, a concern that has weighed heavily on his mother, Candelaria, ever since. “The doctor at a health clinic told us he would need surgery but to wait until he was older,” she recalled. As Juan grew, the impact of his condition became increasingly apparent.

By age six, Juan Diego found himself struggling with tasks that most children take for granted. “I like to run and play. Sometimes I fall because I can’t see well,” he shared, his words revealing the daily challenges he faced due to his impaired vision.

His mother was very concerned about her son’s condition. “I worry something bad will happen. I feel like I have to watch him extra carefully and watch for things in his path,” Candelaria explained.

“I worry something bad will happen. I feel like I have to watch him extra carefully and watch for things in his path.”

-Juan Diego’s Mother Candelaria
suffering with crossed eyes

The High Cost to Heal Juan Diego’s Crossed Eyes

For Juan Diego’s family, the cost of treatment for his crossed eyes posed an insurmountable barrier. His father, Alex, works at a gas station, while Candelaria cares for their five children. Their limited income barely covered their basic needs, let alone medical expenses.

“The doctor said the operation would cost $750. That’s why we haven’t done it because it’s too much for us,” Candelaria shared.

“We wanted to take him to the doctor, but we never could. If we would pay for Juan Diego’s treatment, then we would not eat,” she explained, illustrating the heart-wrenching decisions many families face when dealing with medical issues while facing financial limitations.

difficulty due to crossed eyes

A Ray of Hope: Operation Blessing’s Intervention

It was during a medical outreach in their community that Operation Blessing first encountered Juan Diego and his family. Recognizing the urgent need and the family’s inability to afford treatment, Operation Blessing offered help.

Thanks to the incredible generosity of our partners—supporters like you—Juan Diego’s life was about to change dramatically. Operation Blessing arranged and funded free surgery to repair the muscles in his eyes, a procedure that would have remained out of reach without this intervention.

The Impact of Your Generosity

The effect of this act of kindness was profound. “It was God who sent you to help us. Because we never, never imagined we would get help like this,” Candelaria expressed, her gratitude evident in every word.

For Juan Diego, the transformation was nothing short of miraculous. Post-surgery, he joyfully declared, “Thank you for fixing my eyes!” Now able to see clearly, he can play without the fear of falling, opening up a world of possibilities for a future without crossed eyes.

healed from crossed eyes

Hurricane Francine Help for 91-Year-Old Resident

LOUISIANA – The Operation Blessing U.S. disaster relief team is in Kenner, Louisiana, after Hurricane Francine brought heavy winds, localized flooding, and mass power outages to the region.

91-year-old local, Nolan, shared his experience in the storm. “It was originally a category one, and it came in as a two. A lot more volume of the wind. And it actually destroyed some of my property.”

hurricane restoration after Francine

Debris and Yard Cleanup after Hurricane Francine

Thanks to your support and your prayers, we’ve been able to partner with Church of the King to provide warm meals, water, ice, and to get out into victims’ yards to clean up debris and remove downed trees.

Nolan said, “They cut down two trees and they cleaned out my backyard. It’s been very nice. Everybody has been very good, very professional.” he continued. “I couldn’t have got this done any other way. I’d have had to wait until I could get money to do it. And that would have been a while.”

It’s because of you that we’ve been able to share God’s love and restore hope to those that are hurting in this region. You can help even more families in need when you visit today!

debris cleanup and removal

Boots On The Ground in Louisiana After Hurricane Francine

KENNER, LA – Your support has sent Operation Blessing to Kenner, Louisiana to give help to those in need after Hurricane Francine. Thanks to your generosity, the disaster relief team is boots on the ground, giving much-needed support to families affected by the storm. Your kindness is making a difference to the people of Louisiana. Because of you, we were able to reach out quickly after the disaster hit.

In addition, your kindness is feeding people who have lost power and cannot prepare food for themselves. You have truly been the hands and feet of Jesus during this challenging time. Because of you, many hot meals have been provided to hungry families without power.

boots on the ground

Debris Removal in Kenner

You’ve also sent critical aid in the form of debris removal, as many families begin the laborious cleanup process after the strong winds of Hurricane Francine knocked over trees. Part of being the hands and feet of Jesus is helping people recover after a storm. This is where boots on the ground really make a difference. Our workers and volunteers provide an essential part of hurricane recovery, as many victims don’t have the resources or training to remove debris from their property on their own. Thank you for your ongoing support for the families of Kenner.

Hot Meals for Hurricane Francine Victims

LOUISIANA – The Operation Blessing U.S. disaster relief team is in Kenner, Louisiana, in the aftermath of Hurricane Francine. Our team is working with a local partner to assess the needs of families dealing with the damage from the storm. One major need that became immediately apparent, is hot meals for Hurricane Francine victims.

flooding from Hurricane Francine

Feeding Hurricane Francine Survivors

Pastor David Madden told us, “The power is still out for thousands and thousands of people. Of course, that creates a huge challenge when you need to eat, like refrigeration and also AC.” He continued, “We’re trying to meet that need by providing food for all these households without power.” Operation Blessing is partnering with a local partner to provide hot meals for these struggling families.

The residents are grateful as Operation Blessing serves their needs with such caring local partners. Local resident Jenny Vasquez said, “It’s an issue because your stove is electric and you cannot use it. So it’s nice to have a chance to have a hot meal.”

Philip Nicaud, the local mission coordinator of Church of the King College told us, “We’re here at our West Esplanade campus giving out food by Carrabba’s and hot meals, water, ice, everything.” And it makes a big difference. For people who have just withstood a powerful storm, you are showing care at a time when they really need you!

We want to thank you for your continued support and prayers, as “we’re boots on the ground” and prepared to be the hands and feet of Jesus. You can help families after disaster strikes when you visit today!

hurricane relief with local partners

Rising from the Ashes of Tragedy

KENYA – In ways both large and small, it’s always such a joy to be a blessing to someone in need. Your kindhearted support reached across the globe to bring relief to Naserian, a widow who had faced more than her share of hardships. One of which was a daughter diagnosed with a benign brain tumor.

home in disrepair

After losing her husband, Naserian was left to provide for her three children—Veronica, Cynthia, and Brighton—on her own. At the time, Operation Blessing ran a school in her area, and Naserian found a position to earn a stipend there, which helped sustain her family.

Diagnosed with a Benign Brain Tumor

Then last year, Naserian’s daughter Cynthia was diagnosed with a benign brain tumor. Medical costs were piling up, and Naserian could not afford the critical procedure the 7-year-old child desperately needed. That’s where your compassion stepped in. Your incredible support covered the cost of Cynthia’s surgery and freed Naserian from the overwhelming stress of expensive medical bills.

benign brain tumor surgery

Then, months after Cynthia was released from the hospital, another catastrophe struck. “The tragedy happened on a Sunday,” Naserian began. “We woke up, I prepared breakfast, and then prepared everyone for church. While at church … I started seeing people dashing outside one by one. Someone shouted there was a house on fire. Finally, I got the news that it was my house that was on fire. I rushed out only to find everything razed to the ground. We lost everything.”

prayers answered

Crying Out to GOD for Help

The shock was so intense that Naserian could barely walk, and she needed the support of her friends to keep her from collapsing. Naserian cried out to God and found comfort in the story of Job from the Bible, reminding herself that she still had reasons to be grateful.

Out of options, Naserian and her children moved into a tiny structure built of tin. Although they had lost all their belongings in the fire, the space was still too cramped for the family of four. They shared a single mattress, a heartbreaking contrast to their home before it had burned down. Now, they had no beds, no clothes, and limited food. Forced to cook inside the little room, Naserian told us the smoke from the open fire choked the family, causing coughing fits and irritating their eyes.

Kenya widow in need

Naserian felt deep sadness as she watched her children suffer. She recalled, “I had no other plan or solution at the time, but to pray and wait upon the Lord. … I had no land or livestock I could sell to make money to build a new house or even use to meet my family’s needs. I cried to God … as the burdens that weighed my heart were heavy and overwhelming.”

An Answer to Prayer in the Form of Multiple Blessings

Once again, the committed kindness of donors like you was ready and waiting to provide hope in a time of crisis. Operation Blessing built a new concrete house for Naserian and her family, complete with a standalone kitchen and bathroom. Your generosity also provided food, clothes, school uniforms, and stationery for the children, ensuring they could continue to attend school.

help through charity

This spring, Naserian and her children moved into their sturdy new home. Naserian said, “When Operation Blessing completed the construction of my house, I was overwhelmed with joy and gratitude as I could finally move into my new home with my family. From the main house to the kitchen and the restrooms, I am forever and eternally grateful.”

Through every trial, your loving compassion helped to ease the burdens carried by Naserian’s struggling family and provided a foundation of hope and stability on which to rebuild. Naserian expressed her deep appreciation, saying, “Since the passing of my husband, to my daughter falling ill, and now my house burning down, Operation Blessing has indeed been a blessing to me and my family. They have been by our side to love and to hold through it all.”

Your love has transformed the lives of Naserian and her children in miraculous ways. “I want to say a very big heartfelt thank you to Operation Blessing for all they have done for me and my family,” Naserian said in gratitude. “May the Lord greatly bless the desires of your hearts and the works of your hands. You are indeed God sent.”

new home

You Transformed Sonam’s Life from One of Pain from Clubfoot to Possibility

INDIA – Childhood should be one of the most fun, carefree times of life. It’s often a period when you feel brave enough and bold enough to take on the world. Your body can bend and stretch in ways that will all too soon be unimaginable. Yet for some children, this isn’t the case. Some face a daily crucible of pain from clubfoot.

Sonam, a young girl in India, embodies some of these traits. She is brave and bold, yes—but because she was born with a clubfoot, her life has not been carefree. Clubfoot is a common birth defect that affects the muscles and bones in one’s feet. It typically causes the foot to point down and inward. In most cases, this affliction can be fixed without invasive surgery, but due to the severity of Sonam’s condition, she would need multiple surgeries.

providing surgery

Sonam’s foot was so drastically misaligned that the girl was forced to walk almost completely on the top side of her foot. Her ability to run and play like other children was limited—that is, until friends like YOU stepped in! Your outpouring of kindness not only changed Sonam’s life, but it also removed a heavy burden from her parents.“I am helpless,” Sonam’s father told us when he applied for surgery assistance. “I am afraid for her future and the pain she goes through.”

Multiple Surgeries Help Sonam Overcome Her Pain from Clubfoot

As a farmer, Sonam’s father works hard. Yet the five-part medical procedure necessary to heal Sonam cost more than he could afford. Thanks to Operation Blessing’s Life-Changing Surgeries program and donations from our online community, Sonam received the operations to heal her pain from clubfoot. Her family will forever be grateful for the kindness and compassion shown to their child by friends like you.

overcoming clubfoot in india

“I truly believe it’s a miracle,” said Sonam’s mother. “I used to feel sad seeing her condition, but now my husband and I are very happy and blessed that Sonam has fully recovered.” Sonam has grown into a spirited teenager who no longer has to face ridicule or discomfort from her once clubbed foot. After gaining full mobility, the jubilant girl can focus on her schooling—and her dream of becoming a teacher.

Sonam gains mobility

Pre-Staging Disaster Relief Team & Supplies Ahead of Hurricane Strike from Francine

PRESS RELEASE: VIRGINIA BEACH, VA (September 10, 2024) – The humanitarian organization, Operation Blessing, has deployed its U.S. Disaster Relief team to Baton Rouge, Louisiana, ahead of an expected hurricane strike from Francine. Currently a tropical storm, Francine is forecasted to be at hurricane strength when it reaches the Louisiana coast on Wednesday.

Operation Blessing has deployed staff and assets from its Virginia Beach headquarters as well as from its warehouse in Bristol, TN. These include a work order trailer, construction trailer and several trucks carrying relief equipment and supplies. The team is driving to Baton Rouge, where it will connect with both Texas and Louisiana emergency management officials and plan for possible hurricane relief efforts as soon as the storm departs.

A History of Disaster Relief in New Orleans

Operation Blessing has a long history helping in the New Orleans area, dating back to Hurricane Katrina, which was a 3-year-long extensive deployment. During that time, Operation Blessing:

  • Coordinated tens of thousands of volunteers (265,000 hours) to help homeowners recover belongings and gut their homes
  • Distributed over $4.5 million in cash grants to help local non-profit groups strengthen their relief efforts
  • Provided a fleet of OBI tractor-trailers that transported over 12 million lbs. of life-sustaining relief supplies
  • Distributed $25 million dollars in medicine
  • Operated three kitchens that served over 1 million meals
  • Purchased a fleet of busses that were donated to the St. Bernard Parrish for transportation of relief workers and volunteers
  • Ran a free dental clinic in St. Bernard Parish and a free medical clinic in New Orleans East that provided free prescription medicines and free medical care to more than 30,000 residents

Staving Off a Potential Disease Outbreak

In addition to those efforts, Operation Blessing made national headlines through its efforts to help curb a potentially deadly outbreak of West Nile Encephalitis by supplying the city with hundreds of thousands of mosquito-eating fish that were stocked by OB volunteers in thousands of abandoned, stagnant swimming pools around the city.


Operation Blessing (OB) provides humanitarian services such as strategic disaster relief, medical aid, hunger relief, clean water and community development. Founded in 1978, Operation Blessing has touched the lives of millions of people in more than 90 countries and every state. For more information on Operation Blessing International, please visit

You Answer Texans’ Prayers After Dangerous Floodwaters Strike

TEXAS – When dangerous floodwaters suddenly surged through Cleveland, Texas, they swept away more than homes and possessions. For many—especially those already experiencing homelessness—the floods threatened to wash away their last shred of hope. But because of friends like you, hope didn’t disappear. It arrived in Operation Blessing trucks, loaded with the lifesaving supplies you provided.

disaster relief after the flooding and hurricane

“We prayed this morning. We didn’t have the provisions,” shared Tammy, a local volunteer who serves Cleveland’s homeless community. “And I pulled up to the shelter, and Operation Blessing was there.”

helping Texans

Providing Disaster Relief after the Flooding

After dangerous floodwaters struck, your generosity rushed our disaster relief team to the scene with emergency meal kits, clean water, tarps, and other essential supplies for families along the river and those living in homeless camps.

For people like Shawn—who lived in a homeless camp before he was forced to evacuate—your kindness made all the difference. “We’re glad to have you folks, and we’re very grateful to receive these blessings.” Your support provided not just material aid, but also a powerful reminder that these people matter, that God loves them dearly, that He sees them and sent them help at a critical time.

praying with storm victims

Battered by Hurricane Beryl

Just a few months later, Hurricane Beryl pummeled the same general region of Texas. This time the small town of Brazoria was one of the hardest-hit locations, and again, you answered prayers by reaching out with hope, comfort, and tangible relief.

flood damage

Residents struggled in the brutal heat of summer without power, and many lost their food supplies. But you sent water, ice, and food. Thanks to you we were also able to provide hot meals and volunteer help to clean up downed trees that littered yards and even blocked some people from their homes.One senior resident named Paula said, “I believe in angels, and y’all are earth angels.”

Thank you so much for answering prayers and reaching out with the love of God during these challenging times in Texas.

helping in Texas after disaster

Protecting Vulnerable Kids from Predators in Peru

PERU – For the past 15 years, Martha has been a schoolteacher in Iquitos, Peru. Passionate about education and the well-being of her children, she works tirelessly as both a mom and an instructor. And if you could see the happy faces of the kids in her classroom, you’d understand the special rapport that exists between this teacher and her students. But Martha must also look out for vulnerable kids in her community and protect them from predators in Peru.

Tragically, this is one area where even experienced teachers like Martha often need help: teaching their kids about the perils of sexual abuse. The numbers are staggering. Every year in Latin America, some 2 million children and adolescents are sexually exploited. The vast majority of the time, abused kids say the predator was someone they knew and trusted. But thanks to you, Operation Blessing has responded by implementing Yo Digo No (I Say No), an original program created to train elementary school children to protect themselves. Since 2017, in four Latin American countries, we have helped train over 20,000 children and 5,000 adults through the program.

helping vulnerable populations

“We are delighted and thankful that Operation Blessing has selected us to bring these important programs for our kids,” Martha said. Teachers at schools like hers undergo training to help them spot and intervene in potential abuse situations where vulnerable kids could be exploited.

Helping Vulnerable Children Through Education

Using songs, coloring books, puppets, games, Superbook characters, and other materials, instructors teach children—in ways kids can understand—how to identify, say no to, and report sexual abuse.

The classes meet over a course of four to five weeks. During that time, children learn vital lessons like identifying untrustworthy people, not keeping secrets, and running from danger. They also have opportunities to speak with psychologists as needed. Parents receive an overview of the training, as well.

vulnerable kids receive education

As director of the program for her school, Martha gives Yo Digo No high marks, including the special march held at the end. “The march against child abuse … promotes parents’ vigilance and ensures that children remain alert to any instances of harassment or abuse directed toward them.”

Martha is in a unique position to understand and appreciate the program. “As a teacher and mother, I am overjoyed by the positive experience and blessing that Operation Blessing brought to our school,” she said. “I want to express my thanks to each one involved in this wonderful organization. This kind of initiative is a great blessing for our children.” Thank you for helping us protect vulnerable kids in Peru!

protecting children

Severe Cleft Palate in Cambodia: Baby Dey’s Story

CAMBODIA – In the heart of Cambodia, a young family faced a daunting challenge. Baby Dey was born with a severe cleft palate and lip, a condition that brought with it not just medical complications but also a financial burden too heavy for his family to bear. Dey’s father earned less than $10 a day, an amount insufficient to meet even their basic needs, let alone afford the vital surgery for his son.

Severe cleft in Cambodia

A Constant Struggle

With limited resources, Dey’s parents could not afford formula, and the risk of malnourishment loomed large. His health deteriorated as he battled frequent colds and weight loss. Meanwhile, Dey’s sister stood as his champion, confronting those who referred to him unkindly as ‘cleft boy’ and insisting he be called by his real name.

A Ray of Hope: Operation Blessing Steps In

The turning point for Dey and his family came when they learned about Operation Blessing. Through the generosity donors like you, Dey was given the chance to undergo free severe cleft palate surgery in Cambodia. This gesture of kindness was more than a medical intervention—it was a beacon of hope restoring dignity and health to a young child.

The Transformation After Severe Cleft Palate and Lip Surgery

The surgery was a success. For the first time, Dey’s parents saw their child not only as their beloved son but as a boy with the potential to live a life free from the stigma associated with his condition. He gained weight, his health improved, and the joy in his family’s life returned.

Gratitude and the Journey Ahead

As Dey’s mother beheld her son post-surgery, her joy was mirrored in the faces of those who had supported them. Now looking just like any other handsome boy, Dey’s new beginning is a testament to the power of compassionate care and the importance of supporting cleft surgery initiatives in Cambodia.

Your kindness helped give Dey’s family so much peace. Baby Dey can live a healthy life without derision. His sister does not have to worry about children bullying or picking on him because of cleft. His parents know that their child is healed. This profound impact is all because of you.

Please continue to partner with Operation Blessing. Continue to help us bring hope to people in dire need. Leave a lasting legacy of kindness and show people the love of Christ!

severe cleft palate in Cambodia