CAMBODIA – In the heart of Cambodia, a young family faced a daunting challenge. Baby Dey was born with a severe cleft palate and lip, a condition that brought with it not just medical complications but also a financial burden too heavy for his family to bear. Dey’s father earned less than $10 a day, an amount insufficient to meet even their basic needs, let alone afford the vital surgery for his son.

A Constant Struggle
With limited resources, Dey’s parents could not afford formula, and the risk of malnourishment loomed large. His health deteriorated as he battled frequent colds and weight loss. Meanwhile, Dey’s sister stood as his champion, confronting those who referred to him unkindly as ‘cleft boy’ and insisting he be called by his real name.

A Ray of Hope: Operation Blessing Steps In
The turning point for Dey and his family came when they learned about Operation Blessing. Through the generosity donors like you, Dey was given the chance to undergo free severe cleft palate surgery in Cambodia. This gesture of kindness was more than a medical intervention—it was a beacon of hope restoring dignity and health to a young child.

The Transformation After Severe Cleft Palate and Lip Surgery
The surgery was a success. For the first time, Dey’s parents saw their child not only as their beloved son but as a boy with the potential to live a life free from the stigma associated with his condition. He gained weight, his health improved, and the joy in his family’s life returned.

Gratitude and the Journey Ahead
As Dey’s mother beheld her son post-surgery, her joy was mirrored in the faces of those who had supported them. Now looking just like any other handsome boy, Dey’s new beginning is a testament to the power of compassionate care and the importance of supporting cleft surgery initiatives in Cambodia.
Your kindness helped give Dey’s family so much peace. Baby Dey can live a healthy life without derision. His sister does not have to worry about children bullying or picking on him because of cleft. His parents know that their child is healed. This profound impact is all because of you.
Please continue to partner with Operation Blessing. Continue to help us bring hope to people in dire need. Leave a lasting legacy of kindness and show people the love of Christ!