Iowa Tornado Destruction: Greenfield Devastated by EF4 Twister

IOWA – In late May 2024, the small town of Greenfield, Iowa, faced the wrath of a catastrophic EF4 tornado. The powerful twister quickly battered the community. All that remains is a trail of debris. The scattered remnants of homes littering the ground provide a clear, yet startling, picture of the severity of the storm. In the aftermath, the community must salvage what they can and prepare to face an uncertain future.

Firsthand Account of Iowa Tornado Destruction

Local resident Patricia recounted the terrifying ordeal. “We were in the living room playing a game and we turned on the weather radio. And it said that we had a tornado warning. So, we all went to the basement. Then we heard the sirens, and then all of a sudden we lost power, and it got really dark.”

She continued, “I remember jumping and screaming. And I was so scared. I was crying. And then we came upstairs, and we saw the house, and we were just sick to our stomachs.” After the deadly storm, families were left reeling from the destruction.

Patricia said, “There were a lot of places where their houses were destroyed. People were cleaning up and just checking to see if we were okay, and we were checking to see if they were okay.”

Iowa tornado relief

Operation Blessing Responds

With the generous support of friends like you, Operation Blessing’s disaster relief team deployed to Greenfield right away and is already on the ground assessing the immediate needs of these families. Patricia said, “I’m glad that Operation Blessing came today. And I’m just so blessed.”

Supporting Iowa Tornado Recovery Efforts

Operation Blessing is committed to standing with families as they recover from this devastating Iowa tornado. With your continued support, we can help families like Patricia’s take their first steps towards rebuilding. Thank you again for your incredible kindness. Your generosity is helping people in dire need.

Iowa tornado damage

Hygiene Supply Kits Help Brazilian Flood Survivors

BRAZIL – After hearing about the horrific floods that have completely submerged cities in the southern part of Rio Grande Del Sol, Brazil, Operation Blessing has started creating hygiene supply kits. These kits are indispensable as many families have lost all of their possessions beneath the murky flood waters.

flooding hygiene supplies

Hygiene Supply Kit And Chlorine

In addition to this hygiene supply kit, we are providing chlorine that we have produced. One tragic consequence of mass flooding is the irrevocable damage it does to houses, schools, and businesses. Hundreds of thousands of homes in Brazil have been completely submerged in sewage and contaminated water. Residents will need to clean and disinfect whatever can be salvaged.

We are supplying these resources to people in the most affected communities in the south of Brazil. Here we met Rosane, an elderly woman whose home experienced much damage. She said, “The house is full of mud. Everything was destroyed. We just took clothes from the closet and put them in trash bags.” She continued, “The [OB] staff brought gloves and supplies. We worked together, and everyone helped.” While many of Rosane’s possessions are destroyed, Operation Staff and volunteers are there to lend a helping hand. 

delivering supplies to Brazilian flood victims

Your Generosity Is Helping Brazilians Recover

Because of the generosity of friends like you, Rosane and her family received cleaning materials and hygiene kits. She said, “Some of things we lost, we can’t even buy as there isn’t an open store. Everything you gave us is very important; toilet paper, soap, we need on a daily basis.” She continued, “We’re grateful for Operation Blessing, they are helping a lot of people. We need you to keep donating, because everything is useful. We have a lot to be thankful for and all help is welcome.”

helping brazil flood survivors

Thank You For Your Continued Support

With your support and with contributions, we will be able to bless even more disaster victims and offer more of these essential supplies, along with comfort, encouragement, and hope. Thank you.

Brazil flood cleanup

Brazil Flood Survivor: Rosangela’s Harrowing Escape

BRAZIL – “Do you know what it’s like to wake up into a nightmare? It was a nightmare. It couldn’t have been real.” Rosangela, a Brazil flood survivor, recounted her harrowing experience through tears. The devastating floods that ravaged parts of Brazil turned her life upside down, leaving her and countless others grappling with unimaginable loss.

Rosangela’s Fight for Survival

As the floodwaters rapidly rose, Rosangela found herself in a perilous situation. “I cannot swim, and the boat was so small, I was afraid I would die,” she recalled. In those tense moments, all she longed for was to return to her normal routine—going to work, tending to her duties, and sleeping peacefully in her own bed. But the harsh reality was that her home now lay submerged beneath the murky waters.

flood rescue in Brazil

Helping Brazil Flood Survivors: A Beacon of Hope

Amidst the chaos and despair, Operation Blessing emerged as a beacon of hope for Rosangela and countless other Brazil flood survivors. Thanks to the generosity of caring friends like you, families affected by this catastrophe are receiving critical food kits and hot meals, providing much-needed nourishment and sustenance during this challenging time.

Flood Survivors: Clinging to Strength and Resilience

“I don’t know when I’ll be able to return because my house is underwater,” Rosangela lamented. “Yesterday, the water rose again.” Yet, despite the overwhelming circumstances, she remains steadfast in her determination to persevere. “All we can do now is try to have strength, asking GOD for the strength to fight,” she said resolutely.

A Special Thanks to Our Partners…

For Rosangela and countless other flood survivors, the aid provided by Operation Blessing has been nothing short of a lifeline. “The essential things we need are food and water. I feel blessed by God to have these things,” she expressed gratefully.

We’re grateful for all of you that stand with Operation Blessing as we continue to provide vital assistance to Brazil flood survivors like Rosangela, offering not just material aid but also hope for a brighter future.

flood survivors in Brazil

Cyclone Relief in India: Restoring Hope

INDIA – In the wake of a devastating tropical cyclone in India, families like Ranajit’s and Pepia’s found their lives in disarray. The cyclone’s fury left behind a trail of destruction. It contaminated water sources and tore homes apart. It also destroyed the very means of livelihood for many, including a fishing boat shared by five families. Amidst the ruins, the desperate need for cyclone relief in India became evident.

Shared Struggles and Prayers for Relief

The shared boat symbolized the community’s collective struggle and hope. Without it, families like Ranajit’s were stranded, with no income to meet basic needs or buy food for their children. In these trying times, their faith became their solace, as they prayed for God to guide them through the crisis.

cyclone recovery efforts

Operation Blessing: A Ray of Light Amidst Despair

In response to the urgent need, Operation Blessing acted swiftly, providing vital cyclone relief in India. They supplied families with food and water filters, addressing immediate necessities and bringing a semblance of normalcy back to their lives. The water filters were particularly crucial, ensuring access to clean drinking water in the aftermath of the storm.

The Gift of Recovery: Repaired Boat, Renewed Spirits

Efforts to provide cyclone relief in India did not stop at basic needs. Understanding the importance of restoring livelihoods, Operation Blessing also focused on the cyclone recovery phase by repairing the fishing boat, thus revitalizing an essential source of income. This act of support was celebrated by Ranajit as an answered prayer, allowing five families to once again fish and earn a living.

boat repairs

A Community United in Gratitude

With the boat restored and their community in recovery, the families could once again look forward to a stable future. Pepia’s was relieved. Now she could provide for her family’s needs, a stark contrast to life immediately following the cyclone’s impact.

Your Love Touched 5 Families

Because you answered the call for help you touched the lives of five families in India. After the cycle destroyed their community and livelihood, your kindness overflowed to help them. Thank you for a heart to give and help restore lives as the hands and feet of the body of Christ!

cyclone recovery

Brazil Flood Rescue: Helping Victims Amid the Flooding

BRAZIL – Torrential rainfall has unleashed catastrophic flooding across Brazil. The result is areas of the country that are now underwater. Once bustling streets are now only reachable by boat. Homes have been demolished, and sadly, many lives have been lost. The historic deluge has displaced hundreds of thousands of people. In its wake, it has left many Brazilians without access to power, clean water, or basic necessities.

Brazil flood pet rescue

Operation Blessing’s Brazil Flood Rescue Efforts

As the floodwaters persist, Operation Blessing has mobilized its teams to provide critical relief to those affected by this disaster. Despite the ongoing dangers posed by the floods, our brave volunteers are working tirelessly to distribute essential supplies to victims.

flood damaged buildings

Reaching the Hardest-Hit Areas

“We are surrounded with houses, we are surrounded with businesses, we are surrounded with even, churches that now are completely gone,” said Daniel Castro, an Operation Blessing team member.

Our teams have ventured into the hardest-hit areas. This has involved navigating flooded streets by boat. The goal of these missions is to reach stranded survivors as part of our Brazil flood rescue efforts. In one harrowing rescue, they spotted a cat clinging to a fence, terrified and in need of help.

Pet Flood Rescue in Brazil: Saving Every Life

Without hesitation, the Operation Blessing volunteers rescued the helpless feline, providing it with a safe haven and much-needed care. As the video footage shows, our teams are committed to saving every life, human and animal alike, from the devastating impact of the floods.

“We saw this cat hanging from one of the main gates of a house,” Castro explained. “We were able to rescue it.”

Brazil flood rescue

Bringing Hope to Flood Survivors

In addition to pet rescues, Operation Blessing is distributing vital supplies to flood victims. This includes food, safe water, solar lamps, hygiene kits, and cleaning supplies. Our efforts are providing hope and relief to those who have lost everything. Hope is vitally important, as members of the community can only watch in isolation as their homes and businesses languish under a lake of water.

A Call to Action: Support Brazil Flood Rescue Efforts

As the people of Brazil continue to grapple with the aftermath of this flooding, Operation Blessing remains committed to providing aid and support to those in need. However, we cannot do this work alone.

We are grateful for all the support for our Brazil flood rescue efforts. Your continued support is making these efforts possible. Your generosity is providing families with essential supplies. You are also helping flood victims as they deal with this incredible adversity.

Together, we can demonstrate God’s love and compassion to the people of Brazil during this challenging time. Stand with Operation Blessing as we continue our work. Help bring hope to those affected by this devastating disaster.

Brazil flood damage

Kenya Flood Relief Provides a Beacon of Hope

KENYA – In addition to Texas and Brazil, areas of Kenya have also recently suffered from devastating floods. Over 235,000 individuals found themselves uprooted from their homes. This forced the displaced Kenyans to seek refuge in makeshift camps. The death toll has tragically risen to 240, leaving communities shattered and in dire need of assistance. Amidst this chaos, Operation Blessing emerged as a beacon of hope providing Kenya flood relief.

Kenya flood damage

Collaborative Relief Efforts Help Provide Kenya Flood Relief

Operation Blessing’s partnership with Orphan’s Promise proved instrumental in efficiently reaching out to affected families. Leveraging existing networks in Nairobi’s slums, we swiftly dispatched aid to those most in need. Peter Kimaru, national director of Operation Blessing International in Kenya, emphasized the critical role both organizations played in flood relief.

Providing Vital Assistance

Operation Blessing provided assistance to over 500 families. Each family received vital supplies, including blankets and a month’s worth of food provisions. This ensured their immediate needs were met. We also distributed water treatment tablets to mitigate the risk of waterborne diseases. In addition, we supplied mosquito nets to offer protection against vector-borne illnesses.

The Importance of Operation Blessing Partners

As always, we offer a special thanks to Operation Blessing partners. YOUR commitment to providing disaster relief to people in need is a testament to your kindness. While immediate relief has been provided, the road to recovery for flood-affected communities in Kenya remains long and arduous. Without you, the needs of many people could not not be met. Thank you for having a heart to help others in places like Kenya and beyond.

flood relief in Kenya

 Hatching Hope for a Future Without Generational Poverty

GUATEMALA – A devoted wife and mother of two young children, Ofelia stood at a crossroads. Household expenses continued to mount while her husband’s daily wage as a field worker barely covered the basics needed for their kids. Ofelia had taken up weaving to help stabilize their income, but sales were slim, and each item barely turned a profit. For now, hope for a future free from generational poverty looked dim.

She held up the colorful garment before her. There was no doubt it was beautiful, but would it earn the money needed to help her struggling family? They had long endured a relentless grind for survival, but now they faced the possibility of being separated from one another.

helping a family overcome poverty in Latin America

Burdened by the weight of responsibility, Ofelia’s husband contemplated a drastic measure. He could leave his family and home in a desperate search for employment opportunities outside of their impoverished nation. The idea of saying goodbye to his wife and children was heartbreaking, but he couldn’t ignore the painful truth that his meager earnings simply could not give his family a sustainable future. Sadly, the best way to ensure that his wife and young children were taken care of seemed to be leaving them behind.

Trapped in a Vicious Cycle of Suffering

Desperate tales like this are woven into the fabric of Guatemalan society—stories of families torn apart by economic necessity and parents forced to make agonizing choices. Facing the cruel reality of generational poverty, should they pursue a better life for their young ones elsewhere?

Ofelia could feel her family slipping away. She turned to God for an answer, for some way to ensure that her children would grow up knowing the love and care of their father.

Then you stepped in and helped answer those prayers—with feathers and eggs!

Guatemala microenterprise

YOU Are Helping Them Overcome Generational Poverty

You provided the family with a poultry business, a microenterprise designed to help families like Ofelia’s free themselves from poverty—not just for a day or a year, but for a lifetime. By providing cages full of clucking hens, bags of chicken feed, and the knowledge offered through invaluable training, you gave Ofelia and her family more than just resources; you lit a path leading out of the oppressive shadow of generational poverty. Offering a meaningful hand up rather than a fleeting handout, you blessed Ofelia and her husband with the opportunity to free their children from the soul-crushing cycle they had endured through many long years.

Hope for the Future

Now, as the sun rises over the hills of her village in Guatemala, its golden rays fall upon Ofelia’s bustling poultry business. She said, “I collect around 170 or 175 eggs a day and those sales have helped me to buy fruit, juices, and food for my children.” With each egg gathered and every carton sold, your love is on clear display to a family that was nearly broken apart in a desperate attempt to make ends meet.

chicken farm in Guatemala

“I thank God every day that the business is growing,” Ofelia began. “I am grateful to God … and to Operation Blessing and the donors for giving me the opportunity to have a project because it has been a great help.”

During a time when poverty throughout Latin America has created an immigration crisis, your generous heart ensured that Ofelia’s family was able to stay united and work toward a better future for their children right in their homeland. As Ofelia tends to her thriving business, collecting eggs and counting her blessings, your generosity serves as a reminder that the bonds of love—even those shared with a caring soul far away—can transcend borders and boundaries.

overcoming generational poverty

On the Ground While Devastating Brazil Flooding Continues

BRAZIL – Even as catastrophic flooding in Brazil continues, Operation Blessing is on the ground providing critical relief to those affected by the disaster. The historic rainfall has destroyed homes, collapsed bridges, and claimed at least 126 lives, leaving more than 337,000 people displaced and without access to power or clean water.

Rapid Response to Brazil Flooding

As one of the first relief organizations to reach the affected areas, Operation Blessing is working tirelessly to provide life-saving aid to those in desperate need. Despite the ongoing danger posed by the floods, our teams are distributing essential items such as food, safe water, solar lamps, hygiene kits, and cleaning supplies to disaster victims.

Rosangela, a flood survivor, shared her experience: “We were very, very surprised, because it happened so quickly. We never thought the water would get as high as it did. There was no time to do anything.”

Providing Hope and Relief to Flood Survivors

The devastating impact of the Brazil flooding has left countless families in need of urgent assistance. Operation Blessing is committed to bringing hope and relief to these survivors during this challenging time.

flood damage in Brazil

As flood survivors struggle to rebuild their lives, Operation Blessing is providing them with the resources and support they need to overcome this crisis. “We left by boat, and we only had a few pieces of clothing,” said Viviane, another survivor. “Any help that comes will be welcome.”

Through the generosity of friends like you, Operation Blessing is able to make a lasting impact in the lives of those affected by the Brazil flooding. We believe that even the simplest acts of kindness can demonstrate God’s love to the people and communities we serve.

Join Us in Supporting Brazil Flood Survivors

Operation Blessing invites you to join us in supporting disaster survivors during this challenging time. Your donation can provide a family with essential supplies like food, water, and hygiene kits, helping them to make it through this incredible difficulty. 

Together, we can show the people of Brazil that they are not alone. Your compassion and generosity can make a lasting difference in the lives of those who have lost everything. Stand with Operation Blessing as we continue our life-saving work and bring hope to the people of Brazil.

dangerous flooding in Brazil

Brazil Flood Relief For People in Desperate Need

The catastrophic flooding in Brazil has left countless communities devastated, homes destroyed, and families displaced. The historic rainfall has left thousands of people without access to power, clean water, or safe shelter. As the flood waters continue to rise, so does the urgent need for Brazil flood support and help for victims.

Operation Blessing Is Providing Critical Aid

Operation Blessing is on the ground providing support to an area devastated by extreme flooding. Despite the ongoing dangers posed by the floods, we are working tirelessly to distribute life-saving supplies like food, safe water, solar lamps, hygiene kits, and cleaning products.

Survivors’ Harrowing Experiences Facing The Devastating Flood

“We were very, very surprised, because it happened so quickly. We never thought the water would get as high as it did. There was no time to do anything,” said flood victim Rosangela, echoing the harrowing experiences of so many affected families.

Brazil flood Survivors

Bringing Hope Through Disaster Relief

Through its disaster relief efforts, Operation Blessing is bringing hope to those who have lost everything. “Any help that comes will be welcome, regardless of what it is,” expressed Viviane, one of the thousands now relying on outside Brazil flood relief support.

flood damage in Brazil

Your Donation Makes an Impact

The needs are immense, but you are making a lasting impact. Your faithful support to Operation Blessing’s Disaster Relief Team is making a difference to people who have lost everything. Because of you we can provide vital supplies that help Brazilian families survive amidst the suffering that follows such a catastrophe. Your generosity delivers tangible Brazil flood support where it’s needed most.

Whether through food and water, or hygiene essentials, your gift allows Operation Blessing to be the hands and feet of compassion amid unspeakable loss. Join this effort to offer critical relief to victims in times of disaster.

Brazil flood support

Helping Displaced Texas Flood Victims in Need

TEXAS – In the wake of devastating floods that ravaged communities in Cleveland, Texas, Operation Blessing, has stepped in to provide crucial relief. The disaster response team has been working tirelessly to aid those in need, particularly focusing on assisting displaced residents and homeless flood victims.

A Lifeline for the Displaced

As the floodwaters surged through the area, many found themselves in dire circumstances, losing what little they had. Tammy, a local volunteer who serves the homeless population in Cleveland, witnessed firsthand the devastating impact of the floods on those already facing homelessness.

“A lot of these people have lived out here for several months,” Tammy shared. “They have a livable system, and they work together out here. They’ve lost what little they’ve been able to acquire.”

Bringing Hope to Homeless Texas Flood Victims

Amidst the chaos and loss, Operation Blessing’s team brought hope and relief to those in need. We distributed emergency meal kits, clean water, tarps, and other essential supplies to families along the river and in the displaced homeless camps.

“I prayed this morning. We didn’t have the provisions, and I said, ‘I need the provisions. I’ll be your feet.’ And I pulled up, and Operation Blessing was there,” Tammy gratefully shared. “Their vehicles, they had the boxes; they had the provisions.”

Shawn, a part of the homeless community, expressed his gratitude for your generosity. “We pray every day; God provides every day. And we’re glad to have you folks, and we’re very grateful to receive these blessings.”

Texas Flood Victims

The Impact of Flood Relief in Cleveland, Texas

The relief efforts provided by Operation Blessing have been a lifeline for those affected by the Texas floods, not only meeting their immediate needs but also reminding them that they are not forgotten.

“Operation Blessing has been an answered prayer, literally, for us,” Tammy said. “And to know that we are not alone in this. Operation Blessing has come out alongside us to partner with us, to show them God’s love, and to show them that they truly are not forgotten about.”

As the recovery process continues, your support remains crucial in helping Texas flood victims, especially the homeless and displaced, rebuild their lives. YOU are making a tangible difference with your partnership and support. Your kindness is helping the people who often get forgotten. Please continue to let your light shine and help flood victims in places like Cleveland, Texas.

homeless flood victims in Texas