Thanks to YOU children, the elderly, and so many others are protected from water-borne illness—even death—every year. This is possible because of the compassionate and thoughtful clean water solutions you provide through Operation Blessing to help solve the world’s water crisis.
Every community and every need is different. That’s why Operation Blessing WASH programs (Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene) improve access to and the quality and reliability of clean water, and also improve hygiene and sanitation behaviors in communities around the world. With your help, we make sure to offer life-changing and long-lasting clean water projects tailored to the specific needs of people they support.
Water-borne illnesses like typhoid cause many easily preventable deaths every year, especially among children. But you are saving lives and bringing lasting change through your partnership with Operation Blessing to counter water shortages. Here are just some of the clean water solutions that you make possible when you partner with OB as your clean water charity.
Community Water Systems
In areas like Honduras, you make it possible to capture spring water, building water storage tanks and pipe networks that bring clean drinking water right into the homes of poor villagers. In places like Mexico, OB provides rainwater harvesting systems as well as chlorination to ensure water is safe to drink. This transforms the lives of people who previously suffered from water crises and had to get their water from dirty ponds and streams.
Your generosity allows Operation Blessing to use a variety of chlorine generators to produce chlorine using just common salt and water. This chlorine can be used to disinfect water for needy communities and in times of disaster. This chlorine also provides disinfection for hospitals in Africa and Latin America.
Water Filtration
You are helping provide water filtration units to families and villages where the water just needs to be filtered in order to be safe or as a temporary solution while water systems are being built and in times of disaster.
Water Wells
In places like Asia and Africa, your love and kindness allow Operation Blessing to install wells that supply clean water to whole villages.
Drilling Water Wells
You are helping dig deep, solar-powered water wells in places like Kenya, where the abundant sun and frequent droughts create a water shortage. In many communities, young girls no longer have to sacrifice their education to carry water—thanks to you! These wells not only shorten the distance to clean water, but also free up time so they can attend school.
After Hurricane Maria devastated Puerto Rico, your faithful support and a partnership with Parker Hannifin, one of the world’s largest manufacturers of water processing equipment, allowed Operation Blessing to test and develop water desalination systems. This provided safe drinking water to survivors surrounded by saltwater.
Water Crisis Solutions
OB works with communities to determine the clean water project that will provide the best outcome based on their needs and available resources. This could mean a water well, catchment system, chlorination device or a pipe network to bring clean water into every home.
Rain Catchment Systems
In remote and isolated regions without access to reliable water sources, rainwater is often the best solution, if it rains enough. Operation Blessing can provide individual water catchment systems for each family in need in communities without clean water. These systems can include gutters for collecting the water, leaf filters, water storage tanks, chlorine dispensers and water purifiers, and faucets. These systems provide an elegant solution for providing clean water directly to homes and schools in communities without other water sources.
Impact of Clean Water
You are giving families, villages and communities access to clean drinking water, which helps reduce water-borne illness, improve their quality of life and provide better economic and educational opportunities.
From the Field
Blessings Overflow Because YOU Care!
The Gift that Keeps Giving: Clean Water in Peru
For the Love of Sammy’s Daughters
*All gifts for a specific program will be applied to the program and its fundraising expenses and up to 10% may be applied to administrative expenses.