SENEGAL – In Senegal, the journey from the grief to self-sufficiency was a testament of resilience and of your unwavering support. Astou and her sisters faced the unimaginable: the loss of both parents. This nightmare left them grappling with uncertainty and the looming threat of poverty. Yet, your support turned tragedy into triumph. Your kindness helped transform despair into a Senegal microenterprise that supports this family.

Chicken Rearing Microenterprise: Sustenance and Schooling
For Astou, the challenge was to take care of her sisters as she grieved. She felt overwhelmed by the responsibility. The family now had no choice but find a way to support themselves. Even before your helping hand, the sisters tried to support themselves. Their initial foray into entrepreneurship—harvesting baobab leaves and selling ice cream and juice—demonstrated their determination. However, despite their hard work, they could not make enough to live. Then hunger set in. But you were there to be a light to these young women. Your support of this microenterprise would help give them hope.

Battling Poverty in Senegal: The Role of Microenterprise
Now Astou and her sisters found themselves in a heart breaking situation. They were trying to survive but facing poverty and hunger at every turn. This type of nightmare can drain anyone of hope. But partners like you know the power of generosity and how it can help others overcome difficult circumstances.
Your support allowed Operation Blessing to help set up Astou’s chicken business. Because of you, Operation Blessing was able to provide the resources and training she needed. This simple act of generosity helped Astou battle poverty. The profits from this endeavor did more than just ensure food on their table; it reinstated hope and education into their lives. With earnings from the chicken business, all the sisters returned to school.

Gratitude and Growth: The Impact of a Senegal Microenterprise
Today, Astou’s story is not just one of survival but of triumph. The support from the microenterprise program didn’t just alleviate their immediate needs, but equipped them with tools for a sustainable future. Astou sends you her gratitude. Thank you for your kindness and generosity. Please continue to help us help people support themselves.