HONDURAS – In the nation of Honduras, over half the population doesn’t know where their next meal is coming from. For so many, there is no safety net or solace when times get tough. So what can a woman do when her husband’s income declines—and shows no signs of recovering?
Orpa, who lives with her husband and their two children in a rural area in Honduras, decided to launch her own business. Orpa’s husband had been the breadwinner ever since they started their family, but over time his income opportunities had narrowed. There simply wasn’t enough to cover all the household needs, especially putting adequate food on the table. So, together with other women in the community of Boca del Monte, Orpa decided to start a business making plantain chips and selling them at local markets. Unfortunately, the enthusiasm and determination the women started out with soon began to wane. They simply weren’t able to generate enough income to improve their situation.

Going Hungry to Feed Their Children
On some occasions, Orpa and her husband would skip meals to make sure their children had something on their plates. What else could this couple do to ensure that their children would have enough to eat day in and day out? Thankfully, you helped us provide a meaningful and lasting response.
When Operation Blessing heard of the women’s plight, we were impressed by the group’s effort and determination. And thanks to the generosity of friends like you, we provided the help they needed to make their business profitable.

Overcoming Hunger with Resources for Their Business
That meant supplying essential resources to improve both production and management. Basic management training helped them efficiently track business income and expenses to ensure profitability, as did information about bookkeeping and discount purchasing. Then we provided better equipment—like an industrial stove to reduce processing time and yield a better-quality product. It also meant training them in hygiene and food safety techniques, so their products would meet quality and safety standards.
Then we conducted monthly follow-ups for six months, both to reinforce the administrative processes we’d taught them and ensure profitable business management. This opportunity, made possible by your generosity, has transformed the lives of Orpa, her family, and this entire group of remarkable entrepreneurial women. Orpa reports that her income has nearly doubled, which means a more prosperous future for them all. She and her family feel enormous relief, as they can afford more nutritious food to grace their table—and know they’ve overcome the toughest times. Thank you for being there for people in need when times get tough. “The support you have given us is immense,” said Orpa with gratitude. “God bless you!”

The support you have given us is immense, God bless you!”