We are heartbroken at the tragic events unfolding in Ukraine. Following months of troop buildup, divisions of the Russian army, ordered by Vladimir Putin, began the invasion of Ukraine. Following armored divisions and rocket attacks, the country of Ukraine is now mired in fear and chaos. The future of the people here is now uncertain as the world watches the Ukraine crisis unfold.

While many world leaders have condemned the actions of the Russian government, the situation for millions of Ukrainian citizens is precarious. In addition to shelling and missile fire, citizens face dire shortages of food, water and supplies. Many are fleeing the area and will need shelter and support as they seek safety. Help now!

Aid For The Ukraine Crisis From Operation Blessing
Operation Blessing has been on the ground helping Ukrainian citizens whose lives have been violently disrupted by the invasion. We immediately began distributing water and food kits with enough provisions for 7 to 10 days. In addition Operation Blessing has procured generators and fuel to help citizens who are without power or will lose it as the conflict intensifies.
Generators also provide essential power for charging phones to keep in touch with loved ones during this nightmarish time. The need for more food, water, and supplies is growing. As the situation unfolds, we are also aiding evacuees in any way possible.
Horrors Of War Are The Reality In Ukraine
Beyond the clips on the daily news, a new terrifying reality has set in for the people of Ukraine. Men, women, and children now find themselves engulfed with misery, shortages, and fear. As explosions roar throughout the country people, are forced to focus on staying safe as the political situation remains explosive. Now they lean on us, the people who care about them, to help provide food and water. Partner with Operation Blessing to help these families as the unthinkable unfolds around them. You can help now.
Help For Ukraine Refugees
One heartbreaking aspect of war is the spirit-crushing impact it has on ordinary people. Forced to flee their homes, jobs, and lives, the future for them is uncertain. This is the plight of refugees escaping the aggressive invasion of their homeland by Russian forces. Operation Blessing’s International Disaster team is deploying to be part of an effort to help displaced Ukrainians who now find themselves seeking refuge in Poland.
Support In Poland For Ukrainian Refugees
As conditions worsen for Ukrainian families, the outpouring of support and love from our partners has been overwhelming. For someone whose country has been invaded, their homes destroyed, and their lives uprooted—it means more than you can ever know. Something as simple as food, water, and basic toiletries can lessen the burden on families fleeing to Poland. This video shows some of the donated items that will be distributed to Ukrainian families as they make the uneasy trek out of their homeland into Poland, including solar lights that can charge their phones, and provide vital lifelines of communication.
Support For Ukrainian Refugees At The Poland-Ukraine Border
As refugees from Ukraine arrive in Poland, thanks to the support of generous friends like you, Operation Blessing is there to help greet them as well as provide them food and water to ease the stress of the journey from their homeland. Hygiene kits and supplies like solar lamps have also been distributed to refugees who have had to leave everything due to the invasion of their homeland by the Russian army. Please continue to pray for all the refugees and those still struggling in the Ukraine.
Help For Ukrainian Refugee Children And Families
While many Ukrainians, especially women and children, have fled their homes, open arms await them in Poland. Operation Blessing offers aid to these refugees who are now strangers in a new land. In addition to providing critical supplies, friends like you are helping to support shelters that offer safe havens for refugee children. These are places families can play, relax and escape the bitter realities of their situation. You are giving comfort to them during this time of upheaval and tragedy.
Show Your Support For Victims of Crisis and Conflict
Now is the time to show compassion in the face of brutality. Partner with Operation Blessing to help provide food, water, and more critical supplies to those left devastated by crisis. Please keep Ukraine in your prayers and consider sending a donation to help crisis victims today!
Tremendous Help For Ukrainian Refugees
Despite the intense sadness surrounding the plight of refugees from Ukraine, you are a source of hope. The kindness of thousands of friends like you has helped Operation Blessing provide food, shelter, and support to the scores of Ukrainian refugees fleeing their native homeland. You have empowered us to be there at the Polish border to greet and give support to those who have lost so much. Because of you we are able to provide relief and encouragement to men, women, and children in their darkest hours. Thank you for your love and faithfulness.
Ukraine Refugee Mothers Tell Their Stories
Raw statistics do not tell the full story about Ukrainian refugees. Predominately women and children, each of these refugees is a person who has watched their life be completely uprooted, disrupted, and shaken by events outside of their control. As they flee to a new and unknown country, their former lives are on hold with no clear plans of what the future will bring.
Operation Blessing staff sat down with mothers who had fled the war scarred landscape of Ukraine. Coming from different places across the country, they share with us how real the danger has become. They go into details about the aggression they endured even as they were fleeing the country. Here are links to two stories that give you first person accounts of why these woman had to leave and how you are making a huge difference in their disrupted lives.
Works Cited
Ramzy, Austin. “The Invasion of Ukraine: How Russia Attacked and What Happens Next.” The New York Times, 24 Feb. 2022, www.google.com/amp/s/www.nytimes.com/2022/02/24/world/europe/why-russia-attacked-ukraine.amp.html. Accessed 28 Feb. 2022.
“War in Ukraine—What Happens Next?” The Economist, www.economist.com/podcasts/2022/02/24/war-in-ukraine-what-happens-next. Accessed 28 Feb. 2022.