FLORIDA- Hurricane Ian tore through southwest Florida, leaving life-altering devastation in its wake. As people return to the lives they left before the storm, it is clear that volunteers needed for Hurricane Ian Relief efforts will play a large role in helping people get back on their feet.
Michael Barrett evacuated from his home in Port Charlotte. When he returned, what he saw was shocking.
“You think about it for a second, and then you jump into action. You start trying to figure things out. What do I do first? What do I do next? Because devastation is all around us,” he said.
Operation Blessing is on the ground in Port Charlotte, Florida and working to help the community in its first steps towards recovery.
Anthony Lloyd, Operation Blessing’s Senior Director of U.S. Disaster Relief said, “They might have had trees fall in their yard. Some of them have had massive flooding.”
It’s only with the tremendous support of partners like you that Operation Blessing Disaster Relief teams were at the ready in the aftermath of Hurricane Ian.
“We cannot do what we do without the support of our volunteers and our partners,” said Anthony.

Hurricane Ian Volunteers Make a Difference
Paul Cross is one of Michael’s neighbors, and when he heard Operation Blessing’s call for volunteers, he was the first to show up.
He said, “I didn’t have a whole lot of damage. Once I cleaned up what was there, I was sort of looking for a way to volunteer to help people out. And somebody came by with a flyer for Operation Blessing. And I saw that was a perfect way to help other people out.”
So Paul joined volunteers doing debris removal and clearing items damaged by flood waters. But he can’t do it alone. Operation Blessing needs volunteers to help restore the lives of those impacted by this deadly natural disaster.
Michael sends his gratitude to partners and volunteers. “Operation Blessing, you guys are spiritually on time. We are so ready for you guys. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”
Visit ob.org/obdisaster to help victims of disaster now.
To volunteer with Operation Blessing as a disaster relief worker in Florida, visit ob.org/volunteer.