MEXICO – Because most of us have such easy access to basic necessities, it’s hard to imagine that other people living in our same world simply do not. For many water scarcity is a tragic way of life.
The women of San Mateo, a small community of around 250 residents surrounded by rugged terrain, know all too well the burden of water scarcity. The difficulties they face when attempting to access one of Earth’s basic resources: water, are considerable.

Water scarcity is a problem in this community. There are no domestic supply systems, which means residents either have to purchase water at a high cost, collect rainwater, or go on a strenuous journey to fetch water. Water retrieval is a time-consuming daily chore for women in this community.
Juana, a mother of five, relocated to San Mateo approximately 20 years ago, not knowing the hardship that lay ahead. She and her small children travel for one hour daily just to collect water. As though the danger of the landscape and wildlife weren’t enough of a problem to face, the water that is collected is often the cause of sickness for those in the community.

“My youngest boy has been sick with diarrhea for 15 days,” said Candelaria. “I’m giving him medicine but it’s not going away.”
Candelaria and her eldest daughter make four to five trips daily on a rocky path to a water well. It isn’t uncommon for them to fall—each time fearful of breaking a jug and having to purchase a new one.
Thanks to friends like YOU, Operation Blessing was able to bring hope and relief to the people of San Mateo. Together, we installed a rainwater harvesting system that brought access to clean water for 50 households and five communal sites.

The community members held an inauguration to celebrate the gift Operation Blessing and its supporters had given to them. The compassion and commitment of supporters like you was an answered prayer for San Mateo.
“Thank you very much!” exclaimed Juana. “My water tank looks beautiful. My children will no longer have to go with a donkey to fetch water. Now we will have it right here at home.”

Not only does the new water system alleviate physical strain and water scarcity, but it is also bringing families together. “My feet won’t hurt anymore, and now I have more time to take care of my newborn daughter,” said Candelaria. “Thank you!”
The people of San Mateo are all grateful for the abundance and convenience they now have. Your dedication and kindness are making a tangible difference in the lives of others around the world.