Wildfires, like other powerful natural disasters, can cause widespread devastation. As one of the most destructive forces in nature, uncontrolled fire always represents a threat to life, land, and livelihood. Fierce blazes spread quickly, often destroying everything in their way. In many cases, whole areas are razed to the ground. Due to their speed and intensity, wildfires can decimate towns in minutes. Wildfires affect many regions across the United States and around the world. When one starts, it can rapidly burn through forests, fields, and neighborhoods—leaving nothing but ash behind.
After every natural disaster, survivors strive to recover and desperately need relief. Wildfire relief is no different. People have lost homes and their belongings, and they need help in the aftermath. Operation Blessing specializes in offering assistance to those impacted by disasters like wildfires and other natural disasters all around the world.

Operation Blessing Wildfire Relief
Operation Blessing is a charity committed to helping people in some of their toughest times. Disaster relief requires planning and expertise. The following are some of the key components of our relief efforts that enable us to help as many people in need as we possibly can:
Planning and preparation are key in dealing with the aftermath of any disaster. Operation Blessing’s disaster relief team is prepared to encounter various different disasters across the United States and worldwide. Our trained and experienced staff is ready to deploy at a moment’s notice.
In order to respond effectively to disasters like hurricanes, tornadoes, or wildfires, we must have the necessary supplies on hand. Our warehouses in key locations are stocked with supplies that are generally needed in a variety of disaster relief efforts. We focus on food, clean water, hygiene supplies, and cleanup kits. We also have a fleet of vehicles and well-stocked tools, so we can be ready to deploy rapidly within the United States.
In order to respond effectively to disasters like hurricanes, tornadoes, or wildfires, we must have the necessary supplies on hand. Our warehouses in key locations are stocked with supplies that are generally needed in a variety of disaster relief efforts. We focus on food, clean water, hygiene supplies, and cleanup kits. We also have a fleet of vehicles and well-stocked tools, so we can be ready to deploy rapidly within the United States.
Clean Water
Staying hydrated is essential to survival. When the clean water supply has been contaminated due to a disaster, getting water can be very difficult. Wildfires can damage or destroy much of the existing infrastructure—contaminating water—cutting off an essential lifeline wildfire victims must have to survive.
Operation Blessing uses a variety of methods to make sure wildfire survivors have the hydration they need. One simple way is to provide bottled water. Operation Blessing warehouses are already stocked with ready-to-deploy supplies like bottled water, so we can quickly respond after a disaster like a wildfire.
During the Hawaii Wildfires of 2023, the water supply on Maui was completely contaminated. On top of that, the island’s supply of bottled water was limited. Relief organizations faced tremendous logistical challenges getting supplies to the island. So, we provided water filtration units to communities, so they’d have a way to get safe, drinkable water to people in need.
Local Partner Collaboration
After a disaster like a wildfire happens, many local organizations often respond to the crisis. These groups know their communities as well as key civic leaders, distribution points, and the most efficient ways to engage with residents. Operation Blessing partners with these organizations to coordinate the most effective wildfire relief possible. This collaboration can involve local leaders, church networks, government workers, and other groups that can help us direct our aid in the most effective way. This allows us to reach more people in need.
Supply Distribution
In the aftermath of a disaster, basic supplies are often scarce. Wind, water, earthquakes, and especially fire cause untold damage. They destroy stores and other access points for food, water, and critical items. Operation Blessing helps procure and supply these items to people who have often lost everything. In many cases, we even prepare hot meals since disaster survivors have no access to their homes or kitchens.

Wildfire Relief in Action
Operation Blessing has been helping with disasters, including wildfires, for decades.
Two key examples include:

Hawaii Wildfires
In the summer of 2023, deadly wildfires spread through Lahaina in Maui. The damage from the Hawaii wildfires was massive. A large portion of Lahaina was completely destroyed. But thanks to our faithful partners, Operation Blessing was there to help families who had lost their homes and belongings. Knowing disaster survivors needed critical supplies like water and hygiene items, the team deployed immediately. We partnered with YWAM (Youth With A Mission) to make sure that we reached the people who needed it most. We even provided special water filters for those who could not find drinkable water.
Aside from emergency supplies, one of the most immediate needs for Maui residents was shelter. With their homes gone, many families stayed in tents provided by Operation Blessing, but they needed a long-term solution as they worked to rebuild their homes and community. And friends like you met their dire need. In partnership with King’s Cathedral Church and Family Life Center, we provided temporary homes for hundreds of displaced Hawaiians. These ready-to-assemble shelters were specially engineered to be set up in minutes and in all sorts of configurations. But they were also designed to feel like a home. Together, these homes form Ohana Hope Community.

Turkey Wildfires
Turkey also faced wildfires after dealing with a deadly earthquake in 2023. High temperatures provided the right environment for the fires to spread quickly. Operation Blessing’s disaster relief team was already in Turkey providing relief to hurting earthquake victims. We stepped in to help immediately, providing food, water, and supplies to the Forest Police who were fighting the fires. This gave authorities what they needed to continue battling the fires.

Texas Wildfire
A massive wildfire struck Texas in late February, 2024. It’s ravaging the state and has already destroyed 500,000 acres of land and whole neighborhoods. Operation Blessing is reaching out to the hurting victims. Our U.S. disaster relief team is deploying to the area. They will be sending a convoy of trucks with vital supplies, a shower trailer, and our mobile kitchen, which can prepare hot meals for victims and first responders.
Partner With Us to Provide Disaster Relief

When disasters strike, Operation Blessing is there to help. We partner with YOU to make sure that families have the things they need to stay safe and healthy. Whether it’s in Hawaii or Turkey or anywhere else, Operation Blessing brings disaster relief to people when they need it most.
- Partner with us: Join the Operation Blessing family and become a monthly supporter.
- Be a digital volunteer: Follow us on social media and share our posts and articles with friends and family to get the word out about those who are in need.
- Pray: Nothing is as powerful as prayer. Pray for our efforts and people all over the world who desperately need miracles in their lives.
- Start a fundraiser: Unleash the incredible power of crowdfunding by starting your own fundraiser to involve friends and family in the initiatives important to you.