POLAND – Compassion is alive in Poland! Inspired by the generous heart of her late husband, Maria spends her own money sheltering Ukrainian victims fleeing the violence in their home country. When Russia invaded Ukraine, millions of men, women, and children watched in horror as the Ukraine crisis changed the course of their lives. One minute the citizens of Ukraine were living in peace. The next they found themselves in real danger as the country transformed into a war zone.
Ukrainian Citizens Flee to Poland
As the situation throughout Ukraine deteriorated, many women and children were forced to flee into nearby Poland. Their journeys were often dangerous as they had to navigate a war zone to leave their beloved country. Many now find themselves in a new, strange land. Their former lives are on hold. Their survival depends on the kindness of others to provide food, water, supplies, and, of course, shelter.
Sheltering Ukrainian Victims
Caring people like Maria were there to help Ukrainian refugees who needed a home. She opened her home and sheltered over 50 refugees on her own. These refugees could rest easy in a place of safety and respite. Maria’s kindness, however, put significant strain on her financially. She found herself providing food, utilities, and supplies for multiple families.
Eventually, her resources started to run out. And that’s when you stepped in! Because of the gifts of our generous partners, Operation Blessing brought supplies to Maria including food, cleaning products, and hygiene supplies.
When you partner with Operation Blessing, you also partner with beautiful people making a difference in the face of hardships.